Just Because I Am Brown...

by XJW4EVR 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Angry White Man... but I may change it to Angry Pink Man... not many of us white people are very white.


  • snowbird

    No, Minimus, an angry White male.


  • undercover

    How does carrying make someone an angry white male?

  • snowbird

    It's something about those in the backwoods of flyover country being angry and clinging bitterly to their guns ...

    Anyway, Hill can explain it much better than I.


  • MadGiant

    Pero cuál es la diferencia. En realidad eso no tiene importancia. Los estereotipos siempre son malos.

    Yo soy negro y por eso la gente asume que nací y me crie en un barrio pobre. Puedo hablar y escribir en los dos idiomas y no lo veo como un prejuicio. Al contrario el ser bilingüe y poder hacerme entender en los dos idiomas me ha abierto muchas puertas.



  • jaguarbass

    I work in a jail I see all colors of people with all kinds of names.

    Sometimes you cant judge a book by its cover and somtimes you can.

    Last month I had an inmate named Goodyear. Big as a blimp.

    I asked him if he was from Akron.

    He said he was.

    I see people of all colors speak spanish and on tv here in Florida very few that speak spanish are brown. Most are white.

    Spain is a part of europe just like Germany and Italy. I doubt they have many brown Spanyards.

    Florida is full of hispanic rednecks.

  • Confession
    I do get pissed though when they get upset because I don't speak Spanish.

    Right. I myself work and am close friends with a staff that is about fifty percent Spanish-speaking (although they speak English well too.) A large percentage of our prospective clients are also Spanish speakers. Most seem appropriately gracious about the language barrier--as I endeavor to utilize my very basic Spanish...

    "Hablo Espanol como un nino pequeno. Pero nosotros tenemos consejeros que hablan Espanol en la oficina que te pueden contestar todas sus preguntas por telefono."

    But when we lived in southern California in particular, my assoicates and I--as well as my daughter--would occasionally notice how a fair number of Spanish speakers seemed righteously indignant that we didn't immediately produce someone who could communicate with them in their tongue.

    I continue to improve in my understanding of Spanish. Although I don't think it should be a law for people to be forced to learn English, I confess that I don't understand why some can be here for more than twenty years and not have made the attempt to learn it. I find people like this all the time. Whether they learn it or they don't, it's their business. But PLEASE don't get mad at ME because, although you have moved to the United States, YOU refuse to learn English but expect ME to speak YOUR language.

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