How many JW's quietly know it is all bull....or...

by oompa 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    at least have major doubts and flat out do not agree on some FDS teaching. Lately i have been very engaging with JW family and friends and EVERY SINGLE ONE had at least one total disagreement with the FDS (i told them i would not shun them for this apostacy, and to be careful who they express it Common non-beliefs with FDS....were:

    oral sex in marriage wrong

    vasectomy a no-no

    college for your kids and a good carreer and bad

    blood issues

    that FDS don know wtf a generation is (do not like all the frequent changes)

    that the end is so so so very very close

    shunning friends and family rules

    I just wonder what the percentage is of JW's that are pretty much like us, but keep mostly quiet. The internet will continure to hurt them badly, and so will college. Knowledge truly is power. When i finally googled 607 BCE the entire first page is nothing but pro and con sites that are all JW related. I even told my dad/elder that whatever he NOT google! So i would bet money he did out of curiosity............................................oompa

  • undercover

    I think there are more "closet apostates" than anyone realizes.

    I thought I was alone in my little corner of the universe for a long time, but I'm leaning of more and more in my area that have been awakened. There are people in my old congregation that are now on the way out. Some quietly, some not so quietly.

    There are others that just haven't realized it consciously but deep down, they feel something isn't quite right. It shows in that they don't follow all the counsel from the Society. They aren't living as if in the last days but planning on the future and their kid's future.

  • Amha·’aret

    Where does it say vasectomies are not allowed? Don't remember coming across that before...

  • tresdecu

    I just found out through some closet conversations myself...that a couple 'high ranking' ones in our cong. has severe issues with things the "fds" teaches. Who?...our P.O. and a long time (former) pioneer disagree with 1914 and have pretty much snickered throughout the Rev Climax book and the utter nonsense therein. I'm an MS and realize now all these warm fuzzy feelings I've had about being in the "truth" and having a "whole association of brothers" is a bunch of bull.

    For some reason it is comforting to know ones who I thought were hard core has serious misgivings.....if only we could all stand up at once.

  • leavingwt


    Have you read either of Steve Hassan's books? Here's the thing, while they may think the Org if flawed, they still believe it's God's Organization, and their only means of Salvation. They do not translate the imperfections/mistakes/lies into proof that it's not God's Organization.

    Mind Control.

    My father-in-law told my wife, point-blank: "Even if this is not God's organization, I would rather be in it, than out of it."

    Blind followers, with totally controlled minds, fearful of the outside world.


  • truthseeker


    I have recently found out that a couple of members of my old hall have left for the reasons you state.

    There is something not quite right about it.

    There is an episode of Star Trek: TNG where Dr. Crusher is trapped in some weird singularity. She doesn't know this at first. Crew members start disappearing and no one notices. She gets suspicious when the crew of the Enterprise start acting out of the ordinary and those she talks to see nothing wrong with her concerns. It happens all the way to the top with Cap. Picard acting weird. Her world begins to shrink (literally) until her son Wesley transports her out of the singularity.

    Similarly when JWs go through an awakening, they start to see things that they took for granted and no longer sound right, they begin to question and talk to other dubs who can't or won't listen to them until they realize they have no choice but to get out or stay in for family and/or friends.

    I do beleive there is an awakening and the internet is the root cause as well as the changes in the understanding of the "Generation."

  • oompa






    Dr. John Peter Blandez, professor of urology at London Hospital, England, warned about the dangers of vasectomy at a recent Urology Congress in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Besides being irreversible in most cases, vasectomy may produce profound mental anguish in a man and may even lead to madness, he stated.

    The Urology Congress also disclosed that venereal diseases are on the increase in Brazil. Sérgio Aguinaga, president of the Brazilian Urology Society, called the situation "alarming," one requiring government attention. He also pointed out that it is no longer only the prostitutes who are prone to pick up venereal diseases, but any young girl can do so, due to widely accepted promiscuity.

  • hamsterbait

    When the Gibbering Boobie changes a doctrine - THAT is when you get an answer!!

    How often have you heard "I always thought that can't be right" etc.

    I heard it many times over the years even from "annointed". The witlesses live in fear of reprisals, so they never admit to doubts until a Witchtower shows what BS the old view was.


  • oompa

    having trouble post this for amaharet

    they have kind of changed it to a concience matter
    Messagebut they really talk it down! some congos will not appoint you as elder if they know you had you not have a WTCD....they have at least 10 article i pulled up showing the DANGERS of getting one!...they may now leave it up to concience but try to scare the hell out of anyone wanting one! you want them all i can do it later...oomps

    *** g74 3/22 p. 23 My Life as a Surgeon ***

    Today much is also made of the transplanting of various organs—kidneys, hearts, lungs and livers. But, regarding these procedures, I am reminded of the comment that my father once made. I was home from medical school and performed a vasectomy on one of his patients who had asked to be sterilized. I was proud of my newly learned technique and asked my father what he thought of it. He replied: “The patient is no doubt pleased, but I wonder what the Creator thinks about it.” Because of what I have reason to believe is the Creator’s view of organ transplants, I have serious reservations as to their Scriptural propriety.

    Yes, we cannot leave the Creator out of surgery. (LMAO)

    As for vasectomies, Dr. Lauersen reports that one scientific study indicates that men undergoing such an operation may increase their risk of having a heart attack. After the sterilization, the male sperm, denied their normal outlet, seep into the bloodstream. There they apparently set up a reaction, resulting in production of antibodies. These, in turn, appear to speed up the process of arteriosclerosis, or thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. “I would not advise any of my friends to have a vasectomy,” he says, “until it has been shown the operation doesn’t raise the incidence of heart attacks.”
    *** g73 1/8 p. 29 Watching the World ***

    Vasectomy Dangers

    ? An article in Medical World News, “Vasectomy Complications Aplenty,” warns that “this so-called very simple little procedure” is fraught with dangers. It enumerates cases of postoperative complications. A Los Angeles urologist, Arthur Schapiro, fastens blame on irresponsible doctors: “I have been amazed how many doctors don’t know much about the procedure, in fact don’t know enough to do a good job . . . We have got to stop people who are doing vasectomies for their own profiteering motive.” Other specialists are concerned with reported side effects: Men who had been in good health suddenly suffer blood clotting, prolonged fevers, enlarged lymph nodes and skin disorders. Psychological problems of a sexual nature have also been associated
  • Quirky1


    g782/22p.30WatchingtheWorld ***



    Dr. John Peter Blandez, professor of urology at London Hospital, England, warned about the dangers of vasectomy at a recent Urology Congress in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Besides being irreversible in most cases, vasectomy may produce profound mental anguish in a man and may even lead to madness, he stated.

    The Urology Congress also disclosed that venereal diseases are on the increase in Brazil. Sérgio Aguinaga, president of the Brazilian Urology Society, called the situation "alarming," one requiring government attention. He also pointed out that it is no longer only the prostitutes who are prone to pick up venereal diseases, but any young girl can do so, due to widely accepted promiscuity.

    That's the reason for my madness!!

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