at least have major doubts and flat out do not agree on some FDS teaching. Lately i have been very engaging with JW family and friends and EVERY SINGLE ONE had at least one total disagreement with the FDS (i told them i would not shun them for this apostacy, and to be careful who they express it Common non-beliefs with FDS....were:
oral sex in marriage wrong
vasectomy a no-no
college for your kids and a good carreer and bad
blood issues
that FDS don know wtf a generation is (do not like all the frequent changes)
that the end is so so so very very close
shunning friends and family rules
I just wonder what the percentage is of JW's that are pretty much like us, but keep mostly quiet. The internet will continure to hurt them badly, and so will college. Knowledge truly is power. When i finally googled 607 BCE the entire first page is nothing but pro and con sites that are all JW related. I even told my dad/elder that whatever he NOT google! So i would bet money he did out of curiosity............................................oompa