Does anyone here who disassociated regret it? Do you wish you had just faded instead? Did disassociating give you a liberating feeling of power over your life? Were any of you married to active dubs when you DA'd?
Those here who disassociated- do you regret it?
by JimmyPage 21 Replies latest jw experiences
No way, not me. I actually would have just faded. But as an elder who wanted to warn those around me I had no choice but to leave. I am glad that I came down clearly against this religion. There are many who at least know that I wasn't thrown out. I didn't committ wrongdoing. I left because I think for myself. So for me I'm satisfied with my decision. And even if I had faded I would have been shunned anyway. I miss my old friends and hope to get some back one day. But conditional friendships like one finds in the JWs aren't really worth the loss of intellectual freedom.
Isaac Carmignani
By the time we mailed the letters we hadn't been to a meeting in six or eight months. We were mostly being ignored, but we were expecting a call. I'm glad we went out the way we did. I wanted to be on record that I thought the religion was BS.
Some people say "wrong doing" what the GB considers wrong doing" most of the time is just their stupid dogma, even if it may be some sort of immoral act that someone did it is to Jehovah that we stand or fall because it is through his son that we are forgiven and not through the GB or the elders of Jehovahs Witness's. When are the Witness rank and file going to wake up and realize this, hey stop drinking the cool aid.
Nope, no regrets.
I'm shunned every day and I can't say its been easy to bear cos it hasn't at times. But the more I'm shunned the more convinced I am I made the right decision.
Interesting convo with my witness dad the other day. Dad was moaning that if I hadn't DA'd then the poor bro's wouldn't have to shun me. In other words it was all my fault they are having to do this.
I let him talk and then reminded him about the JW's in Nazi concentration camps. They stood up for what they believed was right and were persecuted by the Gestapo for it.
I asked him whose fault was it that they were persecuted? Was it their fault for not heiling Hitler and signing his bit of paper? Or was it the fault of the Gestapo for being tyrannical bullies?
I then said the the bro's are the tyrannical bullies for shunning, just like the Gestapo.
JW's are very proud of the Witness stand during the War, yet if I copy their example and stand up for what I beleive is right, how come its MY fault when the bro's behave badly?? Their hypocrisy is disgusting.
Dad went very quiet.
(Wasted nine years ... I should have done it alot sooner! LOL!)
No regrets here.
I do not regret disassociating myself. Not one bit. I spoke directly to the PO of the congregation that I attended but never sent any letter. I also contacted my immediate family about my decision and let them know that shunning would not affect my decision in the slightest degree.
Dave -
AK - Jeff
I don't regret the decision. I was too damned verbal about what I knew to be left alone. They basically forced the issue - I was not about to allow the kangaroo court to DF me without any input, and a DA letter was the best way to do that. It is posted around the internet now, and perhaps a few of the hard copies that I sent to some of the JW's in the area are still floating around - who knows. My wife left with me - though officially she is still Jw [at least until her mom is gone]. My only regret is loosing my absolute best friend of 40 years [my cousin] to the madness of the Watchtower. If he didn't shun me, I would be on top of the world.