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let me get this straight...we ARE gonna grow OLD and Die???
by oompa 61 Replies latest jw friends
A few years ago, a "sister" I knew lost her father. I said to her, out of sympathy, that it must be really hard to lose someone you love when we were were taught that we and ours would probably never die (unless we died early, and this was past the "expiration date"). Anyway, she said, "We were never told that!" I just goggled at her. By the way, this was another chink in my armor of acceptance of what I had always been told.
Oompa you really gotta worry man! It's only the good die young so you will live forever you evil looking SOB! You have just got to figure out how to finance the rest of eternity,when you've got it sussed let me know I'm potless! (as in "hav'nt got a pot to piss in")
Love and respect,
let me get this straight...we ARE gonna grow OLD and Die???
Yep...get used to it and make the most of your short life.
If we are lucky we will grow old. We will certainly die though.
This was a toughie for me too...
I think way down deep inside, I knew that no one would live forever but for my entire life I had been taught that we would live to see Armageddon and the destruction of the wicked and if we proved faithful, we would liveforever. For 30+ years, since birth, I was taught that and part of my brain accepted it as truth.
Even though some small part of my brain knew better, that part had never communicated with the indoctrinated part. So when the realization hit home that life forever in paradise was all a con, it fucks you up to some degree. It takes awhile to grasp that the concept of living forever wasn't real. And the real kicker is that to believe that we would live forever was stupid to begin with. Name one person in the entire history of mankind that has not died and then rationalize why we think we won't die. It's a crazy belief. Yet, 6 million JWs profess to have that hope of not dying.
You really wanna mindfuck a JW? Purposely challenge them to defend the belief of living forever and use common everyday logic and reasoning to dispel their crazy notion and while you may not get them to admit to being unrealistic in your presence, it will stick in their mind for later meditation. That's when it really gets them...when they're alone trying to come to terms in their own brain what they beleive.
well excuse me I'm looking forward to growing old but not to losing my teeth and hair
quietly leaving....i'll bite...why would you look forward to growing old?...just your top three reasons please.......oompa
oompa, you look forward because getting older is always in the future or forward.
Ken P.
what a total mindfluck!.....this was not supposed to happen.....and i only (completely) woke up two years accepting my own mortality has not been easy.......i currently make good enough money....but i have to think about RETIREMENT?!?!?!.....and where and how?!?!?....and ya....just cause i have a touch of asthma ocassionally...i wont be able to get health insurance in a few years cause i am self-employed???....this just fluckkin sucks.................oompa
i dont think i am up to it.....would rather go in the saddle....riddin hard
Ooompa, Oompa...where is your trust in Jehovah's elect. The end was to come before the generation that saw the events of 1914 comepletely passed away. Jehovah, thru his elect even refined the age that this generation started to be counted at over time. He 'refined' this in 1995 and showed that the generation was actually wicked mankind who saw Jesus presence (invisible) but failed to mend their ways. He further 'refined' this several months ago and showed us oh so clearly that this generation is actually the annointed.
Each of these 'truths' taught were not wrong or false. They were true at that time they wewre taught. The refining process produced new truths.
Make sense? Basically said, the jehovah of the WT changed his mind.