Much better to die NOT watching everyone around me rot and then drop dead at my feet while I watch on with a stupid grin on my face. I'm so glad that Armageddon is not gonna happen! I couldn't live after seeing such horrible destruction of good people by the god I loved.
let me get this straight...we ARE gonna grow OLD and Die???
by oompa 61 Replies latest jw friends
yes and fertilize flowers
Undercover said: “For 30+ years, since birth, I was taught that and part of my brain accepted it as truth… Even though some small part of my brain knew better, that part had never communicated with the indoctrinated part. So when the realization hit home that life forever in paradise was all a con, it fucks you up to some degree. It takes awhile to grasp that the concept of living forever wasn't real.”
Loubelle said: “Realising ones mortality is i huge thing. We are going to die, and life will go on, the world will turn and soon no one will be around that knew us. Took me a while to make peace with it. I'm 32, and 'lagging behind' to a certain degree, got so much living to do.”
AAG said: “I realized I was gonna die as a 35 year old JW... I couldn't sleep for months... and this was one help to get out... I realized that "worldly people were comfortable with their own mortality, yet I, in the "truth", could not handle it...”
Let me tell you that I felt exactly the same way. I was “raised in the truth”, and I never thought that I will graduate from High School. It’s terrible to “wake up” at 34 years old, just to see that everything was a lie. I swallowed the truth, “hook, line and sinker” all my life.
Accepting my own mortality was the most difficult thing for me to realize. As it happened to Awakened, I was sad and depressed for weeks.
Now I try to enjoy every single moment. This past month I celebrated my first Birthday party, my first Thanskgiving dinner with some friends, and this week I bought my first Christmas tree.
Now that I’m “mortal” and normal, I’m creating memories every day. And finding real friends, not "conditional" friends as before.
White dove: Much better to die NOT watching everyone around me rot and then drop dead at my feet while I watch on with a stupid grin on my face.
kinda like me wanting to go in the saddle....ridin hard....cause i dont want to see others or ME rot.......
tooktheredpill: I swallowed the truth, “hook, line and sinker” all my life.
loved your entire post pill........and so glad you dont beat yourself up over this line....cause what else can we do?....we pretty much HAVE to believe what we are taught from birth....thus some muslims blowing themselves up...and glad to do it...........oompa
One comfort when you look in the mirror and see more gray hair and another line or two: all the people you went to school with are seeing the same things when they look in the mirror.
I am wondering if the assisted living place we all live in will play really Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin or will they pipe in Muzak versions? I still think we need to start a retirement home and nursing home for ex jw's.
loved your entire post pill........and so glad you dont beat yourself up over this line....cause what else can we do?
OOMPA: You are right! We had no choice! My mom was studying before I was born. I didn't know anything else. I can't blame her.
As Ray Franz says, we are "victims of victims". At least we broke the cycle!
And we have found a bigger family here in the forum.
Have a great week guys!!!
White Dove
Ahh, the Summerlands, to relax, reflect, and plan the next life wherever
White Dove
We are all gonna die here and be resurrected on JWN! WEEE!!!!!!!!!
wha happened?
I hate that I threw away my 30's in this group. Alot of missed opportunities in lieu of the greater work. I've come to terms that I'll be pushing up daisies in the future. Paradise is for others
White Dove
I don't mind helping things grow and having flowers grow above me.