I went to the Catholic Church and...

by Awakened at Gilead 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Well I hope none of you think I went over to the dark side, lol!

    We (gf and I) went to see a presentation of Handel's Messiah.

    So while I don't believe in the fairytale Jesus story, I did enjoy the Bible verses delightfully set to music.

    And we felt no trepidation at all entering the church!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Any chickens, snakes, or sacrifices?

  • oompa

    you damm pagan you.........oompa

  • leavingwt


  • oompa

    curious...did they do psalms 83:18 to music?.......oomps

  • shamus100

    Sad to say, they're nowhere near as bad as dubs are.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    horrible life:

    Any chickens, snakes, or sacrifices?

    we snakes stay out of churches because of that...

    Snakes ()

  • oompa

    btw...i love to travel...and have been to many cathedrals in europe...and would have been an architect if jw parents would have me go to college...but that is another subject. once i in was in a place called heegweigh...prob not spelled right...but a small town in the dominican republic...not far from punta cana...and damm....first i went to the kingdom hall, but my little 10 year old guide took me to the local landmark...and apologized!!!....that it only qualified as a basilica and not a cathedral!...it had military guarding it because of all the gold in it...but the area housing around it was made of cardboard and tin...open fire pits to cook!...outdoor plumbing......just weird.........oompa

    btw....they shot Apocalypse Now right near there........

  • jwfacts
    created a sense of spirituality

    I feel the same when entering a Church. The lack of ritual in modern US religions such as JWs removes much of the spirituality as well.

    I saw Shakespeare being preformed on the steps of a Sandstone Church and it was a sensational atmosphere.


    ....."I went to the Catholic Church and...".................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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