FHN: If you enjoyed a Catholic service, find a High Episcopal Service. They are more catholic than catholic since Vatican II came and watered everything down.
Actually, we went to the church about an hour early, but they had a mass going on. Some guy was praying near the entrance while fingering his rosary and he was on his cell phone... it looked like, for all intents and purposes, that he was talking to Jesus on the phone. We had to restrain ourselves from asking the guy...
"Excuse me, but can I get Jesus' phone number too?"
So the Church service itself would freak me out... I can barely tolerate religion at this point ever since I have come to the conclusion that all religion is manmade BS, no more true than Alice in Wonderland or Jack and the Beanstalk.
And I'm not into drugs, so I wouldn't look for a high episcopalian anymore than I would look for a high catholic or even a high hippie