I was an agnositc before joining the Borg. I believed their lies. After leaving, I dabbled a little in other Christian sects but went back to agnosticism after realizing that the god of the bible is as mythical as Huitzilopochtli, Zeus, Thor, or others.
I still believe in the possibility of a god or gods, but reason tells me these gods/godesses cannot be as murdering, lying, contradictory, spiteful, and unloving as the ancient Jewish tribal war god.
Were you atheist/agnostic BEFORE you came here?
by gumby 44 Replies latest jw friends
Tina says:
Especially womens historical issues regarding male supremacy and patriarchy>
now this fine lady is on to something- i have always found that in most churches it's the women who are most likely to attend.and support
yet the women in general in most religous belief systems are always getting the SHAFT -- one would think that of all folks who would have a problem with belief systems would be women since they are the 2nd class citizens of most- and that handbook called the Bible, now that was a book written by Buddy for sure- or maybe Archie Bunker perhaps
it has got to be the best guide on "How to keep a woman in check" that has ever hit the best sellers list.
just my 2
Hey guys......THANKS!!!!!
I want to thank all of you who responded to this thread and want to say I feel that ALL of you did an awesome job in relating your feelings on your beliefs and that I respect each one of them.
I will continue to have an open mind and do as many of you are in our continual search for understanding.
Thanks mucho bunches! I am going to post this thank you as a new thread so all will get my thank you.
JT -
Just spotted your post on here to me. Thanks.I've always loved your simple explanation of how religion works:
"If you don't accept my explantion my God will kill you." I use it all the time when talking to people. Also - just invited you out for a beer in the new "who's the hotest female poster thread!Happy holidays -
S4 -
I beleive in an higher power. I think there is a powerful force that protects us if we are trying to be good. I wish God could be visible (as in something tangible) but, I guess that's not how it works. With all the nature, animals, and the marvels of the world I beleive there had to be a creator.
I am not against those who do not share my views. I think that we all need to beleive in something to carry on with our lives. There are so many different beliefs on this site, which make it interesting. I try to keep an open mind. This site only reinforced my beliefs.