It's well been stated before when a pedophile has been found out molesting someone's child that friends and family can't believe how the allegedly "Joe the respectable " friend , father, pastor, elder or MS , could possibly be molesting a child ! Many times it shocks the hell out of people because the child abuse was kept well hidden from others ! Outwardly the molester appeared " normal " and put on a good facade and front - but what happens inside people's homes in private many times is much more dangerous than anybody would suspect.
2 cases in point here in the Sacramento, California area . The first case a stepfather just committed murder-suicide on himself, his wife, and 2 small children . A 14 year old daughter escaped ; only because child protection services found out 10 days before the murder she was being molested by the stepfather - so they took her out of that home and placed her under protective care ! Why they didn't take the other children- I don't know. Apparently school officials had found the 14 year old girl's inch thick journal describing 2 years of child abuse at the hands of her stepfather ! School officials contacted authorities after " seeing her journal that day, following rules that require them to report their suspicions". The school principal stated this, " I'll be honest with you, I had mixed emotions about reporting this, " explaining that he did not want to throw the teen's life further into turmoil on the eve of Thanksgiving week . He stated, " You've got a great student who's here all the time , studying, laughing, " he added . " You just don't know what's going on at home . " For this young woman - the fact that others paid attention to hints and details saved her life !
The 2nd case a young man , 17 years old in Tracy , California had apparently been staying with a man and woman, aged 34 and 30 who also had 4 small children, aged 9, 7, 3, and 1 year old. Monday afternoon this 17 year old boy was found running down the street in his boxer shorts, shackled at the ankles , bleeding profusely from his back ! He ran into a health club where startled clients were exercising !! He yelled out , " Can you hide me ? Can you hide me ? " The police took himto the hospital where after treatment he was given to Child Protection Services . The police arrested the caregivers - the man and woman and sent the other 4 children to Child Protection Services ! But the strange part of this is notice the neighbors reaction !! One lady whose grandaughters had played at the teenagers house said , " It really upset me that this happened. You feel like you've been lied to. Why didn't we see something " ? Neighbors could not figure out how they missed so much for so long !
So apearances are deceptive. If only Jehovah's Witnesses would be more on the lookout for the safety and protection of their children - perhaps we would see less child abuse in the hidden abodes of people's homes ! So I say this to lurking Jehovah's Witnesses and everybody - trust your instincts ; if you suspect that a child is possibly being abused - please look into it. The life you save may be the life of a fine young person who will have the chance of being a great citizen in society - all because you and I had the courage to speak up and get involved. Peace out to all - let's help the children ! Mr. Flipper