JW's and Others Take Heed - Child Abuse is Masked Behind Respectability

by flipper 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • aniron

    Yes its all very well saying watch out for JW molesters or Catholic priests or whatever relgion.

    But they don't account for the many more thousands of cases of child abuse.

    It is often said that a child abuser is more likely to be a member of ones own family. Fathers, brothers, uncles, nephews, cousins etc and sometimes not always just the males.

    Many pedophiles will wait a very long time before making any move on a child. "Grooming" as they call it winning the childs trust, and the familys trust as well. Such ones are quite willing to let themselves be "checked out" by the childs parents.

    Those like JWs and priest have an advantage in that they are seen by the child very often, in circumstances and environment were they are supposed to be safe.

    "That brother/priest is such a nice man, my parents think the best of him. I'll be ok spending time with him."

    My family was very friendly with an Elder and his family. we had known them for years. They were in a different congregation to us so we only saw them occasionally.

    But it wasn't the Elder, the father, that was the problem but as it turned out it was their teenage son.

    Fortunately nothing happened with my own children.

    But suddenly this family upped and moved away. I think the excuse was that the father had got a job in another part of the country.

    But a 2-3 years on and the son was caught out molesting a child. Also he knew a JW Elder who also had been caught abusing children and had been for 14 years!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    There is a lot of pretentious imagery that gets played out at the Kingdom halls, with smiles and firm hand shakes included,

    the ever present motion to make the organization look its best in front of the public, the way everyone is dressed up with suit and tie and the woman

    with dresses it all leaves the impression that the people that attend there are to be trusted are good and so to be loved and supported.

    The true reality of all of this is quite different from the expressed imagery that has been constructed..

  • avishai

    OFC, the friend of your son, the 17 year old, is a pedophile. Whether he has a gay or straight adult companion has nothing to do with it. If at 17 your buggering 5 year olds, it has nothing to do with gay. It's pedophilia.

  • flipper

    ORANGEFATCAT- What a tragic thing that happened to that 5 year old boy. I do hope he got counseling and therapy along the way ! However I want to emphasize the big difference between the 17 year old abuser being a pedophile as opposed to being just gay. He raped that young boy. It had nothing to do with his sexual preference - but had everything to do with power, control, violence and a twisted evil inside him, not sex. I would think the 17 year old boys parents wouldn't want to see him because of molesting the child - not just that he's gay ! Anyway - it truly was an awful tragedy all the way around which cannot be undone.

    JAMIE BOWERS- Neither one of these cases I shared in my thread involved JW's. I was just emphasizing how deceived people on the outside of the situation can be outside the home ; all the while as a child is abused and a family puts up a respectable outer image ! It's sick.

    SHAMUS 100- I agree it is sick how JW's try to bring themselves above man's laws - even when it endangers a child's well-being ! Many times man's laws are much stricter than the Bible's laws or JW laws !

    HOMEROVAH- I 'd say that this 17 year old pedophile came to " realize his own sexuality in a most damaging way. " Probably the understatement of the year . But the abuse he did to the 5 year old boy was about power, control, violence and a twisted evil sickness in him, not about sex really . These sicko's get off on controlling their victims ! How else can you explain him raping a 5 year old boy ?

    ANIRON- Very true what you say. Many pedophiles " groom " their victims first and get children used to being touched on the arm or hands gradually. Then the pedophile waits awhile before becoming more blatant with the touching. There are so many stories like you told about teenagers molesting young children and elders molesting children as well in the witness cult. If we really knew how much this was going on - we'd all puke our guts out.

    AVISHAI- I agree with you. The 17 year old is a pedophile . He raped that 5 year old boy and in my opinion he wasn't punished enough ! And now the young boy has to grow up and live with the emotional damage ! It's sick ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this thread up for any weekenders as it's an important subject which is a huge affliction in our society - the abuse of children ! specially when most people outside the families are not aware of what's going on inside the homes . Probably why the Jehovah's Witnesses and other religious groups have such a problem with this abuse . It's never brought to light. I welcome and invite your comments on this. Thanks very much, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Going to be gone working all night so wanted to bump this thread up for any who would like to comment on it ! Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gill

    There is only one rule to apply when you have children.......trust no one.

    A few years, my youngest sister reported that she had been raped at the age of 13 by the older brother of a school friend when she went round to stay there.

    She told no one for 6 years.

    In that time she has suffered.

    But we learnt never ever to trust our children with anyone. They are not permitted to stay at anyone's house unless we are there and our daughter is permitted to play at girl friend's houses ONLY if they have no brothers, their father is not present and we are in constant phone communication.

    Trust NO ONE....EVER.

    All the children know our reasons and they are growing up aware and stable in the understanding that what happened to their aunt can happen to anyone.

  • wednesday

    Power is such a trip. It can be very heady to be an elder- the sisters worship you, people fear you. Becoming an elder is a way for uneducated men to be in positions of power. Jw's teach the children and women to submit to authority and thereby set them up for the predators.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    On the Tracy case.

    I recalled reading that one neighbor, or friend, of the couple's had been at their house and noticed that they were extremely harsh on the boy, and also hit him with a board or stick in front of them. They just recall thinking that that was abuse, but didn't call the police. Grrr... Some of the neglect stems from people who KNOW about the abuse, yet don't want to get involved. That makes me almost as angry as with the abusers.


  • flipper

    GILL- I agree with your points. I'm so sorry this abuse happened to your youngest sister. You are being a great parent by protecting your children and being careful with who they play with or visit. One can never be too careful or trusting because just when the guard is let down - pedophiles will be on the prowl to abuse a child. It's disgusting.

    WEDNESDAY- Good points you make. The witnesses are taught to " fear " and " respect " the elders as if they were God himself ! And that absolute authority has been abused time after time by elders committing child abuse on unsuspecting children ! And the problem is : The parents are controlled to trust too much in the elders authority ; thus this piuts their children in more danger !

    COUNTRY GIRL- Very true. It makes me angry as well that neighbors won't get involved either when seeing abuse of children ! It's the same reason I get angry seeing child abuse being allowed to go on in the JW cult or any other religion - people bury their heads in the sand like ostriches and don't get involved ! It's maddening ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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