My Witness Ex-Wife's JW Girfriend Tries Preaching to me at Store

by flipper 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So today after giving some bids in my business I stopped by this antique store to look around, just browse. While at the edge near an aisle a JW lady about 45 yrs. old whose kids were raised knowing my kids , and my witness ex-wife is close to said " hello ". She and her older JW daughter were shopping with her daughters 3 young children. I had not seen this lady in 10 years or so. I've been out of the witnesses 5 years.

    I said " hello " back , and immediately the first thing out of her mouth was, " So when are you coming back to the truth ? " I replied, " I am in the truth ! I have truth within me ! " . She looked at me like she thought I was a smart -a$$ , and smiling she said, " You have your truth . Not the real truth. " I said , " I have the truth in life. I live every day authentically, and really find happiness in everything I do. I live in reality and believe in bringing joy and happiness to those in my life. " I showed her my wedding ring ; I continued, " I met a great lady on E-harmony .com got married a couple years ago and we are really happy ! " I continued , " My dad is still an elder and my mom and him still get along great with me and my wife and respect my inactive state as a witness and my fade from the witnesses. "

    I continued , " My son is doing great and we are real close. " She interrupted , " Your ex-wife ( the witness ) said he had joined a commune in Oregon or something , some group ? " I laughed and said, " No- There's no truth to that ! My son and his girlfriend are caretakers on a ranch taking care of the property for this wealthy couple. " She said, "Oh. I see. " I said, " Funny how things get lost in translation ! "

    Then this crotch itch of a witness lady went for my emotional sore spot and my jugular. Subject : My youngest witness daughter 20 ( who tried getting me brought up on false charges to the elders 2 years ago which was overturned by an appeal committee for lack of evidence. ) This lady said, " Oh ! Your youngest daughter is in our congregation and she is so smart ! She is so nice and spiritual, loves Jehovah and is so zealous ! Did you go to her wedding in May of 2007 ? " I said, " Yes. My wife and I went to the wedding and supported her and her husband. Although I thought it was unfair I was not allowed to walk my daughter down the aisle because of my inactive status ! " Then the lady replied , " Well - Your daughter just wants what's best for you - to return to Jehovah. " I said, " I didn't think that was a nice thing to do - prevent me from walking my daughter down the aisle - just because I have doubts about the organization ! "

    Then this " mind controlled drone " said, " Well , you know Mr. Flipper there's just one way ! The WT society hasn't changed and they are still the same ! They'll never change , like you'll never change . I have another daughter like that ! " I said, " Well, one reason I stopped going was the child abuse scandal and how they tried sweeping it under the rug. And I have differences with some of their views on that and other things." At that point she noticed her daughter and children were further down the aisle and she had to catch up with them ! So I said, " Give your husband my best ! " And she scurried away ! It's hilarious how fast they went shopping through the rest of the aisles ! I think they exited the store only about 5 to 10 minutes later ! So what do you think about these people ? Did I do alright ? Have you had experiences like this before ? I'd like to hear them ! Look forward to your comments as always ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sacolton

    Ugh. There's something so disgusting about these haughty JWs. I could just kick myself for being one of those drones for nine years.

  • purplesofa


  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't have experiences like that. I am glad that I don't.

    Smug, judgmental, high-nosed. Awful.

    You did a good job. I might have tried to hold her for
    another sentence when she said: "The WT society
    hasn't changed and they are still the same ! They'll never change..."

  • flipper

    SACOLTON- Very true. I can't believe I was raised in this " mind control " ridiculousness either.

    PURPLE SOFA - Wow ! I won't comment on the first letters of each of your words as us guys should never say that word ! LOL! However I agree with you - this lady as well as other witnesses do not know what normal thinking or conversation is

  • tiffy0212

    You did great. I don't think I could be that calm. We have a women from the hall that is stopping in where I work and giving one of the girls the magazines. I copied a few things from this web site and we put them in a envelope. The next time she comes in we are going to hand it to her and tell her to explain it. One is about 1975, then we have one on Beth Sarim, and then a couple of child abuse cases. Bet she won't come back.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I think you did fine Flipper, perhaps that evening she didn't feel so high and self- righteous. about herself and her religion after your comments.

    I thought it persuasively rude when she brought up your daughter knowing it would more than likely inflict injury upon you..... what a cunt. !

    I'm impressed by some of the patience that you and others have with these idiots when confronted with them.

    If some was to try and tear one from me for not returning as a JWs, I would more than likely tell them to fuck off

    and mind your business but I guess thats just me.

    I guess I have low tolerance in these matters.

  • shamus100

    Sounds like a brain-dead drone to me. Regurgitating the corporate logo....

    Brains turned off.

    Get my drift?

  • Quandry

    The WT society hasn't changed and they are still the same ! They'll never change

    WHAAAAAATTTTT? How's that?

    I think that explains it all. No matter what you could have said, it would not have penetrated the "WT coating" over her mind.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah and you just can't get away from them they really are like a Locust plague!.....I need some bug spray!!

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