I hope -Secrets of pedophilia add is gone soon to stop dirty looks at work

by Witness 007 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • purplesofa

    By clicking on the add you will be directed to:


    It is not an advertisement for pedophilia, It is Barbara Anderson's court documented work exposing pedophilia in the organization.

    I apologize for saying you were dumb, but hopefully know that you are educated on what the add is for you will feel less embarassed at work when your co-workers see it and have an explanation for them.



  • happy1975

    Do what I did and move your PC monitor so that it can't be seen by passers-by.


  • Finally-Free

    If posting at JWD doesn't fall within your company's acceptable use policy, then the solution is simple. Don't post from work.


  • AudeSapere

    While the banner can be a little uncomfortable to see while at work, I think the work is too important to hide.

    A nice tactic that I use is to scroll down a little so the banner is not so obvious to nosey workmate neighbors.

    -Aude. (Excellent scroller)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I fully respect Barbra Andersons work as I recently said on her post, she opened my eyes. Anything she does is brillant. My boss was ready to FIRE ME also my wife thought I was sick for clicking off this Apostate website when she came in...and the last thing she saw was "Secrets of pedophilia..."..get the point? I just think this could be more discreet only so people don't get the wrong idea which they always do. I always scroll down so people can't see the top of the page. It's big news here tonight internet Pedophiles were arrested today in Australia, a police officer, judge, and child care worker...so again many are suspicious if they just see the word on a post. I have had to explain myself many times...."No no, I'm an Ex-Witness and this website refers to Pastors in our religion who....."

    When my boss saw this Webpage, he was with our head Supervisor. They looked up my internet history. Lucky for me he knew about my being a Witness and leaving so he knew what he was looking at and explained for me.


    007..If this forum is causing you problems..You need to be more discreet about where you read it..Barb`s Banner has every right to be where it is..Up front and in your face..It`s huge problem and needs to be addressed......Taking it down so you won`t get in trouble at work,is ridicules..LOL!!.......Think about what I have said and Have a nice day...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I also hope Outlaws laughing Dog and pop up characters get a make over, as it was funny the first 3,700 times but is getting alittle old...at least you don't have to say much, and your post are up to 5,000 now cool!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Outlaw. sorry 10,000 posts...damn!....snigger snigger snigger...."all bow".....snigger snigger!.....actually can I borrow that as my new end catch phrase? Where can I get the dog.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Everytime I check something here that God Damn pop up comes up..."Secrets of Pedophilia.......{long Pause} ......In an American Religion." This has caused me many dirty looks at work and one woman reported me to my bosses who made me show them this website.."Okay so your not a pedophile, that's great carry on, you silly Witness man!" Embarrasing! And the looks I get were terrible......some would ask...What site are you on, no doubt concerned about thier kiddies.

    With all due respect, discretion may be the better part of valour. It might be wiser to avoid accessing this site at work if it is that easy for others to see a relatively small banner that appears for a few seconds on your monitor.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah I agree Big Tex but I love posting here and my boss is okay with it now...we had a guy fired for in-apropriate internet use before this but otherwise we are allowed to use it anytime as long as we do our job when called. It's long a 12 hours night shift, so this kills time for us. Tonight went fast.

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