Thanks for the PM, I got a kick out of it.
As Rebel8 mentioned, it is not a “pop up ad” it is a “banner ad” and there is a significant difference. A banner ad sits stationary within the opened page like the one on the top of this page. A pop up ad, is like the one you so nervously and quickly try to close when surfing porn at work and someone walks by (sorry, but given your posting prowess I’m just assuming).
Still_in74 also makes some very good comments and suggestions, minimizing your screen (might also work well for your porn pages) or simply not being on JWD at uncomfortable times at work. And this comment I like best,
“first of all, why would you openly expose yourself to criticism pertaining to personal comp use at work?”
This comment hits the proverbial nail directly into what seems to be a thick wooden head. You said “This has caused me many dirty looks at work and one woman reported me to my bosses who made me show them this website.”
“Many dirty looks” “MANY”. Given that the word “pedophilia” only shows up for approximately 3.5 seconds while it rotates through the animated banner ad that itself rotates every 18 seconds, your work mates must be sitting on your lap and helping you sound out words on the web pages you are surfing or you are making some of this stuff up. Which is it?
I know (on the surface) you are not attacking the information relating to the pedophile issue involving the JW cult but only the way the link directing people to the CD is seen. If the banner ad was intended for your eyes only I would understand your dilemma, but it is not. Maybe you need to take a few minutes and practice your new found thinking abilities and ponder that perspective a while.
And, in responce to your PM, Yes I can be a Jackass. Sue me.