I think the problem is " secrets of pedophilia" is not acceptable conversation among most people. In fact, it has shock value to it . News stations and publications frequently use a similar approach- they use it for shock value and people recognize this and recoil ( or ignore) it. We here are very invested in exposing this but ordinary people do not talk about this at their dinner conversation. We talk about it openly and freely. Most people would not talk about it at all or if they did it would be private . It is the way the message is presented that may be putting people off. A more conservative approach might draw more people in. Think about it- how many times have you been on break in Field service and sat in the coffee shop discussing things that ordinary people would find bizarre to talk aobut in public. The wts so stripped us of our self respect that we might be confessing to sins in McDonalds. - where any number of people can hear us. I understand what the banner means but I've had others react exactly as 007 said. They thought it was a "shock" ad ( or in my case the CD) and felt repulsed by it. this is of course the barrier we must break down. We must help people get past this and take this ugly subject out of the closet. But first you have to get people to listen to you . That's the issue. I am a (no longer ) silent lamb thanks to the hard work of loving people like Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen and many others. I am just saying that I too ( as 007) have experienced a similar reaction from folks .
I hope -Secrets of pedophilia add is gone soon to stop dirty looks at work
by Witness 007 62 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Witness 007
The reason I post at work is because my wife gets upset if I talk to Apostates and since she doesn't work is home alot. At work is my only time to talk to this great bunch of Ex-Witnesses here to have some friends. {P.S I do have work to do but if on standby can use the net as long as I want -company rule.} My boss approved this site so thats okay. - MY POST PURPOSE WAS= TELL PEOPLE I HAD A PROBLEM ANYONE ELSE? ANY SOLUTIONS? Seems some have. I'm not starting a "ban the add" campaign,this is just a "discussion" on a "discussion board." I have PM'ed Barbara and told her I fully support her work and appreciate what they are doing and hope more people find out about the pedophile situation.
Good advice MKR 3308 "a screen blocker" sounds good didn't know about those! I need to buy one...see problem solved! See what happens when you post a "discussion" here, one wise poster with a few sensible words just solved the whole controversey!
Moving on now, can anyone help me with my dandruff?......am I allowed to talk about that here? Is this taboo as well? I don't like that dundruff add on T.V...oops here we go!
Witness 007
FREEDOM OF SPEACH= Also I HATE the year text for 2007 at the Hall should I tell the Elders? It's corny!....I will be dragged into a back room and given an angry lecture about "how encouraging it is" "how un-spiritual and rebellious I am" "you can't question the society" ..some here have the same atitude...but you know what, thats just my opinion, and all "freedom lovers" would say "I disagree with you, but hey it's a free country!" {Unless you post from China}
Many people like Purplesofa saw this topic and thought.....OH NO someone is bashing Barbra's work lets get him! Burn him at the stake...string him up, he's not one of us! "He's protecting pedophiles crucify him!" They got angry and abusive. I was just stating my opinion about the add on a "discussion board" thats all, is that allowed? As usual a couple posters save the day by posting a sensible suggestion. Thats all I wanted....mission over! Thanks. The spirit of co-operation here has solved yet another delima...that's why I post here the advice is excellent.....if you can handle the storm of pissed off Ex-Witnesses.