2008 Annual Report on web

by Dogpatch 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amha·’aret

    Anyone know what the lowest ever number of memorial partakers was? I remember it being in the low 8,000 region in the early 90s.

    And I also remember being led to believe that that number would drop significantly before the great trib.

  • slimboyfat

    The reduction in pioneer hours from 90 to 70 was about ten years ago I think. So to use it to explain this year's increase in pioneers is a s t r e t c h.

  • ThomasCovenant

    Memorial partakers figures going back to 1935. Thanks to Nathan Natas


    Only another 382 partakers and we'll be back to 1969.

    Thomas Covenant

  • slimboyfat

    Most Western countries seem to be up 1 or 2% with a few 0 or -1%. Not exactly a mass exodus.

  • passwordprotected

    More and more people are either out of work or working reduced hours. What do JWs do when things like that happen? They 'put the kingdom first' and pioneer.

  • Nosferatu

    Wow, almost 7% of the entire annointed are living on the earth right now!

  • WTWizard

    But who is it that is pressuring the publishers to turn in fake reports? It is the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger itself--if they don't turn in fake times, the hounders will start hounding them (and often turn in fake time in their behalf). Who pressures the hounders into faking time slips? The hounder-hounder, that's who--he gets pxxxed if there are "too many" inactives, and the hounders would like zero inactives to appease the hounder-hounders.

    In turn, it's the hounder-hounder-hounders that pressure the hounder-hounders to pressure the hounders to fake times. The hounder-hounder-hounders in turn get their directive directly from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger to inflate the times any way they can, and that includes sending directives to fake reports to make them look better.

    Whether you use the management system to coerce publishers to turn in fake reports or do dummy service, or add 124,444 to the actual numbers, makes no difference. The outcome is the same.

  • truthseeker

    I can tell you right now those figures are false.

    Some of those hours reported were mine and they were made up.

    Don't believe everything you read. The increase of 2% means absolutely nothing.

    The truth about this religion is spreading like fire - how many of those poor souls still reporting really believe it's the truth?

    How many of them visit here?

  • yknot
    Will they ever figure out that the 144,000 are figurative, like the rest of Revelation?

    They really don't ever have to...... most R&F don't want it to be a figurative number anyways.

    They could however drop the legal mumbo jumbo about mediation being only for the 144,000. They could simply say the 144,000 are literal number of earthly government official of the new system but partaking is for all as a rememberance of Christ..... even keeping it only on whatever date they deem Nisan 14.

    Most JWs would gobble it up too

  • Quirky1

    Of course the numbers are fake...when I attended I as well as many others in the KH that I knew of personally faked their numbers, literature, etc..

    I know of one family that puts a magazine on thier dashboard while traveling on vacation and counts it as time. WTF

    There are no "Real" figures.

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