Looks like the average publisher is responsible for 18.16 hours per month (total hours / 12 / av. publishers)
But what is the proportion of the total hours that pioneers are responsible for. According to my calculations, 193,191,600 hours are due to activities of auxiliary pioneers (total aux. pioneers x 12 x 50) and 615,646,080 hours (total reg. pioneers x 12 x 70) are due to the activities of regular pioneers, resulting in a total of 808,837,680 hours. That's 54.3% of the total number of hours (with pioneers making up 15.4% of the average number of publishers).
So how productive is the average non-pioneer publisher? Subtracting the number of pioneers from the total average number of publishers, we have 5,774,557 average non-pioneer publishers. And subtracting the number of pioneer hours from the total number of hours, we have a total of 679,820,569 hours for non-pioneer publishers. That yields an average of 9.81 hours per month for the typical publisher.
Just a hair below the mininum.
It would also be interesting to see how the ratio of pioneers and av. publishers changes over the years. That might be a better indicator of increase or decrease in zeal, as the pioneers are the "core" workers that the organization depends on.
Edit: Of course, there are a few assumptions in the computation above. A typical pioneer might put in more hours than the minimum, or maybe some might miss the minimum one month. Needless to say, if pioneers put in on average more hours than the minimum, then the average hours for non-pioneers goes down even further accordingly. Still it might be a good index to track changes over time.