I got in some hot water in the early 80's by writing to WT and asking why actuarial tables proved the memorial partaker numbers had to be wrong. The numbers I had showed that the memorial numbers should have been in the low 3000's by 1982, no 3x that amount. I assumed that the average age in 1935 was 35 years of age- a very young average age I used. They ratted me out to the local KH elders and told me to stop talking about that personal research as it was not, shall we say, the "meat in due season" that the FDS was looking for. It seems the downward trend in numbers stop around 1968- just when the 1975 exciement was getting fired up. I suppose the actuary would say we might be down to a real number of just one genuine , last of the "original class of 1935 annointed", left who is on life support in a nursing home in Patterson, NY
2008 Annual Report on web
by Dogpatch 64 Replies latest jw friends
we might be down to a real number of just one genuine , last of the "original class of 1935 annointed", left who is on life support in a nursing home in Patterson, NY
Only reason he's still alive is he's waiting for Bethel to call and ask him something. Anything.
None of you in your calculations ever heard of DEATH? Remember 1 % die annually, so that amount must be deducted, some 600,000 in the last 10 years.
Mickey mouse
None of you in your calculations ever heard of DEATH? Remember 1 % die annually, so that amount must be deducted, some 600,000 in the last 10 years.
Um, did you see justhuman's post at the bottom of page one? Even if you allowed for the death of 1,000,000 JW's over the past ten years, there should be over 8 million JW's. It's easy to work out from the published figures for the number baptised each year, plus the publisher numbers.
Check this from last year when stats were coming out 12/12/08 (from the Yearbook reference):