I have been debating on how best to get the word out about JWs and the WTS... I have thought about blogs... but I just can't get myself to create the blog... and my YouTube videos that I colaborated on with V have been successful on YouTube... I have received many comments, and some inquiries from active JWs based on the video.
I have created an introductory video that will give some background and you can see my style... I am also looking for constructive feedback... At the moment I am using Windows Movie Maker, so the graphics are pretty cruddy, I apologize... if you know of a cheap or free movie editor that would be great...
I am starting a new video series: Ex-Gilead Missionary
by Awakened at Gilead 52 Replies latest jw experiences
Awakened at Gilead
Homerovah the Almighty
I think its a great idea to have one speak from such prestigious training course of the JWS, the information that you speak could have a very strong impact to the viewers.
I'm sure you'll find a lot of support from people from this forum and others for your effort and idea.
Your topic for this video was one that I never could understand either back in the 70's when I was jw , the question I posed to an elder on this was why is it acceptable to dishonorer god's
creation for men to have beards by shaving it off, he couldn't come up with an answer.
So ya keep them coming
If I can make a small suggestion though on your filming , you appear to not to be in center of the frame a bit too low , and possible a small additional of light might make things a little
brighter. In any case full steam ahead AWG.
Good job Lance. One small production tip, I'd recommend instead of having the scriptures or quotations overlaying the video, you cut away to them. White text on a black background works pretty well.
Keep it up! -
Have the bookcase behind you with the titles exposed instead of the end of the bookcase behind you.
Be sure to move any titles that discuss divination or the occult or communicating with the dead except for Watchtower literature.
Most people know it is full of stuff like that so it will not stumble them.
Just some friendly advice ...
When doing on-screen text, it would be easier for the reader if you had it static at the bottom of the screen. In MAGIX, you can create a subtitle text box that will fade in and out depending on the timeline. Just overlay a semi-transparent box behind the text and it'll have a newscast professional look. (Not that I hate a Star Wars upscroll ... )
I agree with the background change. Show some book titles (Crisis of Conscience) for the curious-minded. Oh, although I like the lesuire attire, you might want to re-think your wardrobe. Other than that, you'll reel them in!