i am, for now a witness on the outside, and still believe in god most of the time. i have read Dawkins "the god delusion", found it pretty interesting and helped me understand why athiests believe the way they do. but i always have questions.....one that really bothers me about deism is the thought that god has always existed and always will, had no beginning and no end. this is one of dawkins' problem with deists. the bible says that(heb. 3:4) just as house had a constructor, god constructed all things. dawkins problem with this principle is that deists apply this to all creation except to god. i think its no more unrealistic to believe this about god than to believe that all things evolved. my lil' ol' brain can't really figure out eith one. i guess is what you want to believe. we humans live a life filled with a lot of trouble, and i wonder if we believe in god, not because it makes sense, but that belief hold out a hope/promise of something better, while atheism means you better enjoy what you got....its the only one you'll get. what do you think? thnx for putting up with my rambling on
question on atheism vs. god
by bonnzo 40 Replies latest jw friends
What's your question, again? You know, it doesn't have to be an all or nothing type of thing. For instance, let's say that there is a spirit world without a god ruling. Let's say that it's a kind of self organised democracy. Just some thoughts.
S -
The world is a complicated and sometimes very scary place. I suppose it would be nice to believe there is some goodly being overlooking all. But frankly, it sounds like nonesense. And the terrible horrible very bad god doesn't sound right either. So who cares? We're here, when we die we're there, sleeping.
when we die we're... sleeping.
Hey look, it's something the JW's got right!
Yes it is!! But in my world you actually get to live first!!
Jeremy C
my lil' ol' brain can't really figure out eith one. i guess is what you want to believe. we humans live a life filled with a lot of trouble, and i wonder if we believe in god, not because it makes sense, but that belief hold out a hope/promise of something better, while atheism means you better enjoy what you got....its the only one you'll get. what do you think? thnx for putting up with my rambling on
You are doing what a friend of mine refers to as mind f---ing yourself. Is there anything wrong with not knowing?
Is there anything wrong with not knowing?
Of course there is Jeremy, you have to know, so you can preach and convert every living damn thing you see.
When I realized I could never love and worship a being that would put me to death if I didn't worship him, then I knew the whole "God" idea was wrong.
For me, I just don't want to waste any more time in this life that I know I have, trying to make it to the next...if there is one. I don't like being lied to, so I don't lie to people. The same with stealing from people, hurting people, etc. I just try to be a good person. And if whoever it is that makes the decisions about who gets in and who doesn't says I don't qualify to be in the next life, then they can keep it. So far, I haven't found anything wrong with this plan. Gymbob
Yes it is!! But in my world you actually get to live first!!
Ha... so true. But It makes me a little sad, thinking of all those who will die never having truly let themselves be a part of this massively improbable phenomenon. [ink]
Is there anything wrong with not knowing?
JeremyC brings up fine point......
The middle road here would be agnosticism....
Yknot..... of the still believing, but accepting that she is limited in full understanding class.