What do I think? I have read a lot looking for the answer to your question. I am an agnostic at this time. What is making more sense to me is this. If there is no God Then we evolved. But the math doesnt work out for us to have evolved here on earth given the age and distance of the sun. So we evolved someplace else where the math is not an issue. We were planted here on this earth to be workers, slaves. There are copper mines in Michigan that people were mining 5000 BCE http://www.exploringthenorth.com/cophistory/cophist.html Maybe we are the decendants of the copper miners who were put here by the Gods from space. Nibiru. Thats just something I have read in the last month. I have read a lot and nothing I have read holds water. Any theory I read about some someone else can angerly and eloquently debunk It's like we are too stupid to figure it out, or designed not to be able to figure out our past. We are biomechanical machines, workers, pawns to have our energies exploited in a cosmic game of chess. A pissing contest between God and the devil. And if not that most of us are still pawns to be exploited by those in power, those who have and control the money. Its probably better not to think about this kind of thing. You , I, just end up spinning our wheels wasting our time. Everyone finds out within the next 100 years.
question on atheism vs. god
by bonnzo 40 Replies latest jw friends
Is there anything wrong with not knowing?
Indeed. As time goes by, I am happier and happier consigning some things to that realm that I cannot understand, or at least, cannot define.
What if God exists outside the Universe? Let's say in the tenth dimension. Will the rules of our dimension apply to him/her? Maybe that's a way to answer why he/she doesn't have a beginning or end. Maybe in the 10th dimension you are not bound by time?
Just an idea :)
Maybe in the 10th dimension you are not bound by time?
The concept is called "eternity".
Not sure what your question is, but I've found that the more I learn about evolution, the more fascinating and reasonable it is. Also, the more I learn, the more unreasonable is belief in a supernatural world - the one we see is amazing enough.
You might want to read the works of Paul Shepherd. He shows how religion developed over the past 10,000 years as humans went from a hunter/gatherer culture to a settled, agriculture-based one. Prior to that humans for hundreds of thousands of years saw themselves as just another animal, and though they may have believed in a spirit world, it wasn't in the "punishing gods making moral rules to keep you in line" way that was developed as humans went from small tribal groups to high population national groups.
I'm an atheist. When god comes out of hiding and starts to reveal him/her/itsself, then I'll reconsider.
S4 -
My brother summed it all up a few years ago, when I asked him how everything got here, if there is no god. He said "it just is". Sounded logical to me.
You are right...........there had to be a willingness to believe. It can't be proven.
I find no problem in not knowing. It doesn't change a thing for me.
Another really good book is "God is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens. Very logical and reasoning.
Dang Bonnzo, we have even more in common than I thought, i could have written your post.
Bonnzo: my lil' ol' brain can't really figure out either one.
And my brain nearly fried trying to figure out either one. I think more people are institutionalized due to this curiosity than any other reason. It can become very obsessive, and drive you nuts. For me I have settled on Agnostic, there is just too much design in atoms, molecules, cells...as well as the huge...trees amaze me, tiny seeds that with water, dirt, and light turn into incredible foods (dirt into food is a miracle). But what God did or is doing or will do, or if he ever communicated with man or even why things were created....i have no clue........
Seeker4: Not sure what your question is, but I've found that the more I learn about evolution, the more fascinating and reasonable it is. Also, the more I learn, the more unreasonable is belief in a supernatural world - the one we see is amazing enough.
I dont have a problem with evolution either...exept one part. No matter how hard it tries....SOMETHING can not come from NOTHING. I am also with you on the supernatural/spirt world....i have posted many times on here that i would sure love to see a lamp float across a room or a damm demon smack me in the face...then i could at least belive in something.............oompa
i have read Dawkins "the god delusion", found it pretty interesting and helped me understand why athiests believe the way they do.
That might be true of some people. Not me although I find a belief in something invisible and all so powerful, yet it hasn't the strength to show itself, a delusion in itself. I think it's called faith.
Deism helps us to come to terms with whats irrational, monstrous and unpredicatable, for example, and at the same time appreciate, control and measure what is elucidable and predictable according to our present knowledge, intelligence and ability to cope with, imo.
I think about this everyday and sometimes feel there is a Creator out there somewhere as I view the country side and all nature and thank him for life, but have no idea what he might want from us, if anything. I have no idea if there is something after this life, I guess I will know or not know pretty soon though. Ken P.