I didn't not help people because I had to do field circus. I didn't help people that were not deserving of my help. And that included every single one of the witlesses that are left to this day--being told to just meet men, having rules that are tailored to prevent me from helping those I felt deserving, and being hounded to do more in field circus do not qualify as "deserving" of my time.
And when I did help people, it was because I felt they were worthy and deserving of it. One family had several children, one of them always into things (and I might add extremely intelligent). I helped them out by taking on babysitting (right in front of the parents, I might add--the congregations have reputation of harboring pedophiles, and they almost always operate behind the backs of the parents). I would let them go through my suit pockets and meeting bag, even planting candies and small items that they liked. Even a calculator that they could play with.
Another incident was at a Grand Boasting Session. One family came from out of town, and it was obvious that the children had little to play with (a toy binoculars from a Happy Meal, that had crap optics, was a big deal to them). So I went on a little mission to find them something to play with that wouldn't be too obtrusive (instead of helping pay for pedophiles that would have molested them or going out in field circus). Needless to say, I had to slip it behind the hounders' backs so they couldn't tailor a rule against it.
In both cases, the hounders eventually arranged it to end. The first case, they tailored rules against everything that was going on (at that, in front of everyone). I could presume they did that out of envy, though I cannot and will not rule out the possibility that they did that as a front to hide behind-the-backs activity in molesting other children. Eventually, they drove the family out of the congregation. And in the second, they just arranged it so the Grand Boasting Sessions would never put my congregation with the congregation those poor children with little to play with would be together.
No, if someone was worth my attention, I would give it regardless of field circus. To those who put field circus ahead of entetainment, envy is the most likely reason for the rules (I cannot blame the small children for their parents putting Kingdumb intersets ahead of things they need for fun and learning).