Turning 40... A male perspective needed pls

by yknot 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • yknot

    My hubby is turning 40 next year. This apparently is nagging at him pretty bad. (Not too sure why, I mean he looks the exact same as he did the day I met him!..... and that is really HOT)

    Now I for once was actually planning a B-Day thing...... I am still pissed but I and other family members were really looking forward to being a bit obnoxious about his birthday this coming year (like he was to his sister when she turn 40).

    I personally don't take the age thing that seriously. A persons disposition dominates them more then any other defining factors.

    So can some of you men who are approaching, arrived, or passed this milestone clue me in on the male perspective of aging so I can approach this like an adult...... and avoid making comments like """WOOT I turn 36 next year and that is suppose to be a 'peak'.... so I am gonna start thinking about trading him in for a nice younger 18-21 year old model""

    Sincere Thanks for all comments......

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I just turned 42... I personally feel better physically at 42 than I did at 22 and 32. (Not that it is attracting any female attention my way.. **sigh**)

    As to your hubby... many guys do get bummed out about turning 40. I didnt, but I am not normal (in a lot of ways..lol). You know him better than most...

    I and other family members were really looking forward to being a bit obnoxious about his birthday this coming year (like he was to his sister when she turn 40).

    Since he gave his sister hell about turning 40, then turnabout is fair play..at least for her...

    If you discern he is really sensitive about it..as in a "not looking forward to it" kind of way, then be kind to him.

    I mean he looks the exact same as he did the day I met him!..... and that is really HOT)

    comments to him like this will go along way to making him feel better .. ..especially if he knows you are sincere and not mocking him...

    happy early 40th to your hubby...

    Snakes ()

  • yknot
    (Not that it is attracting any female attention my way.. **sigh**)

    Ahhh.... just as soon as you graduate, MOVE and get a new job.... I am sure your 'little snake' will find a very nice Eve to lead astray.

    Thanks for sharing your POV !!!!

  • SixofNine

    Think of the way a lot of women feel/act when they are staring thirty in the face. Forty for a male is the equivalent of thirty for a female.

  • yknot
    Think of the way a lot of women feel/act when they are staring thirty in the face.

    Hmmm I am gonna have to think back a long ways...... the Babyboomers made some other age the 'new 30' years ago. Maybe that is why many in my female generation don't see it as a issue.

    I remember 35 being the cut-off to conceive naturally, but now 46 is the trendy opinion.

    However your comments is very helpful.......

    But should I expect the red convertable now or 50 ...(How old was Chevy Chase suppose to be on that first vacation?)

    Thanks for Sharing Six

  • tijkmo

    my perspective of being 48 is i don't feel it i don't look it i don't act it..

    doesn't matter...everyone elses perspective is ..he's old

  • yknot
    doesn't matter...everyone elses perspective is ..he's old

    Perhaps that is it.... I mean back in Russell's day.... reaching 40 meant you had one foot in the grave.

    (Hubby will remain forever 23 in my eyes)

    Do men lie about their age like women are culturally allowed to do......

    Thanks tijkmo......

    PS happy belated B-Day!

  • Jim_TX

    *sigh* Age.

    I am way past 40 - and do not really remember how I felt when I turned 40.

    The one thing that I _do_ remember is some of the gals - on this forum - making me feel much older than my calender years with their rude and crude remarks a few years back. Even tho I tried not to let it get to me, it _did_ kinda hurt. Funny thing is... at least one of these gals is still single and looking... and getting older, herself.

    So - if it's any help... don't really make a big deal out of it - if he seems to be sensitive about it. I know that will be difficult - especially if he has been razzing someone else for turning 40.

    It sorta reminds me of way back when I was a wee lad... about 18 or 19 years old. I was a skinny lad who hardly weighed anything. There was this fella who was much bulkier, and would make jokes to me about my weight...
    "You have to stand twice to cast a shadow." hahaha
    "If you turn sideways and stick out your tongue, you look like a zipper." hahaha

    Well, I would laugh - even though deep inside it kinda hurt... and then one day, I quipped,
    "You're so large..." and told a large joke.
    His face turned red, and he got really quiet. I then realized that he could dish it out, but he couldn't take it.

    That's my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

    P.S. My wife comments that even at my age - she finds it difficult sometimes to keep up with me - both in and out of bed.

  • Farkel

    ;So can some of you men who are approaching, arrived, or passed this milestone clue me in on the male perspective of aging so I can approach this like an adult.

    Forty today is about that same as thirty was a few decades ago. It's not even considered "middle age" anymore.

    Fifty was rough for me, but sixty was when I had to face up to the fact that I really, and factually was going to die. Actually, today sixty is not even considered "old" by a whole bunch of people.

    When my grandfather was born, the average life expectancy for a male born then was only fifty years. When Jesus walked the earth, the average life expectancy was around 36 years. At the time the mighty Jehovah God destroys this planet, the average life expectancy will be zero and the average life expectancy for dubs who survive it will be infinite. This leads to the logical conclusion that there will be an infinity of assholes who just won't die. Somehow this is not a pretty thing to contemplate. I think I would rather die, thank you.

    Every day above dirt is a good day, no matter how old you are.

    My body may be sixty years old but my mind is still running at full speed like I'm a mere 59 1/2!


  • yknot
    P.S. My wife comments that even at my age - she finds it difficult sometimes to keep up with me - both in and out of bed.

    Jim......You South Texas Stud You...... Winks to the Wifey

    I will take such wise admonishment under 'advisement'.........(but I am inwardly pouting like a miffed ponytailed 15 year old)

    Forty today is about that same as thirty was a few decades ago. It's not even considered "middle age" anymore.

    Exactly my thinking!. My generation probably won't qualify for retirement until we are 87!

    With regenerative medicine making more progress each day toward mass medical markets, most of us will live very very long, satisfying lives.

    Actually, today sixty is not even considered "old" by a whole bunch of people.

    Yeppers! I live in a 'retirement' area and I grew up seeing 95 year olds fist fighting for first tee off!

    Farkel...... just figure you have the mature mind of a 40 year old and the body of a 20 year old adonis!

    Thank you both for shedding some

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