Ladies - Educate us Men - What Do you Want From your Man ?

by flipper 70 Replies latest social relationships

  • beksbks
    I think they are taught this by a culture of devaluing women, desensitization to violence and objectification, etc. People in the middle and low ends of the bell curve of IQ cannot figure out the media/corporate manipulation for themselves--it's too subtle for them--so they keep on believing penis people are kings and females are inferior and deserve to be disrespected.

    I think too, that many women have helped accentuate this. If women as a group would rise up and realize that we have the power, the world would be a better place.

    You know what I say, I say screw the penis people

    Once or twice a day at least.

  • watson


  • StAnn

    Beks and others, actually this came up recently in one of my university classes. This chick was sitting there with 20 pounds of makeup and hair products on, her midriff showing, tight jeans, and complaining that men devalue women and view them as sexual objects. I asked her how in the world she expected to be treated like anything other than a sex object when she dressed like a sex object? It seemed to be the first time it had ever dawned on her that she was contributing to the problem.


  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    I think too, that many women have helped accentuate this. If women as a group would rise up and realize that we have the power, the world would be a better place.

    You know what I say, I say screw the penis people

    Once or twice a day at least.


    The world would be a better place if you were cloned. We need a lot more like you. You really are a credit to your gender. God bless ya….

  • beksbks

    Thanks Mr. M. But don't forget the respect part. That covers pretty much all bases, no? True respect?

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    Thanks Mr. M. But don't forget the respect part. That covers pretty much all bases, no? True respect?

    For once or twice a day at least I’m sure you would get all the respect you could possibly wish for, and a whole lot more….. and deservedly so…..

    As you rightly say, if only that power was realised……!!!

  • flipper

    BEKSBKS- Very true what you said . If a woman only wants money - then she's not worth having. Good to hear you want lots of sex ! Bet that makes your honey happy ! And respect and a great sense of humor goes a long way ! My wife and I are BIG on the points you mentioned.

    FINALLY FREE- It is funny how we men sometimes have issues with the T.V. remote ! LOL!

    ST. ANN- Good points you make ! Shared goals, shared dreams, shared values are so important. You women are VERY valuable to us.

    MR. MAJESTIC- Comments about sex always catch my attention as well.

    CALIBER- That was a funny comment by BEKS !

    REBEL 8 - Very true the media does manipulate, and devalue women and it causes men to be desensitized to violence on T.V. towards women. It promotes negative attitudes towards women. Us " penis people " need to rise ( no pun intended ) above those demeaning attitudes by treating women with the respect and kindness they deserve !

    OTWO- That's great you and your wife are doing great in a sexual way ! Respect and humor is great too - as long as our wives don't laugh at us in bed ! That would be a bit scary ! LOL!

    WATSON- Enjoying the show ? Where's your popcorn ? LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Satanus

    'not squandering our money. This includes "your" money too, because even if you earned it and it's not our arrangement to share it, your finances affect me.

    Take care of yourself. You don't have to be Atlas but please make an effort to keep yourself squeaky clean head to toe. Yes, this means flossing and clipping your nails. Also keep yourself in good health (things you can control, such as weight, smoking, getting your checkups, etc.).'

    The guys finances affect the lady. His health would affect her too. A guy could easily mistake requirments to take care of his body and his finances for love, when really, they are about the lady. They are about how the lady is affected, secondarily.


  • flipper

    SATANUS- Good points you make. Taking care of our finances and health are extremely important issues each person in a relationship has to consider ! Agreed

  • chellechelle

    never feeling controlled. i think this has come to be the most important thing that i want... i dont want to feel as if i have to always be a certain way in order for you to like me. i want to feel free to do certain things.and one other thing.. never tell me to be quiet you can have your opinion you damn well listen to mine lol... and think about my emotions..if there is something you dont like to do for expample cuddling or watching a certain movie or sleeping a certain way, do it everyonce in a while just for me cause it makes me fele good. you know I Do many many things such as this for you :)

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