i did not hear or see the letter about the change.....how much was the gas thing the main percentage for the reason for the change?..........oompa
No more book study nights !!!!!
by Iwonder17 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
There's a letter floating around this site that mentions it.
5 days a week with no meetings means that JW's are now more susceptible to worldly influence. JW's will realize they are happier with less meetings- skip one more meeting a week and they are down to just one for the week. If they do this very many weeks in a row the WT mind control could begin to crack.
I hope your right moshe
I did forget to mention that I also go the the KH for my BS and not someone's home, so my viewpoint is a little slanted. I agree, growing up, we always had one in my house and it was nice when our friends would stay for a while afterwards. The KH BS's are just plain boring...
I had a similar thought. If you skip one, then you are just "going to church on Sunday" like the rest of the "world"
Now the big thing is, "If you miss Tuesday, then your missing 1/2 of the meetings, you wouldn't want to do that"
I'm sure there will be TONS of parts on the Ministry school, assemblies and CO visits about this
WH - No one answered my question about the possibility of reinstatement of the meeting now with gas prices down.
My question has gone unanswered too..(Yes there are still dubs who talk to me...). Truth is, no matter how much people will miss this particular meeting, it will be a relief getting one less thing to be guilted about.
There are those too who can't forget being told that meetings would increase as the end got closer (ala Heb 10:24,25). Dropping a meeting at least on some level tells the RF that "the bomb" is farther off than close.
Moshe-If they do this very many weeks in a row the WT mind control could begin to crack
I have to agree. Many dubs feel alienated and passed over at the main meetings. With the BS gone, the feelings of isolation and of being alone will get harder to bear. Sad really as it may lead even more down the darkest paths emotionally.
The BS offered some level of comfort too for those who have anxiety in large groups.
The worst part about it, is that even with the WT's rivers drying up, they still leave many of their followers (former one too) trapped mentally behind a wall of beliefs and guilt that won't go away on its own....sigh!
I know it is very hard for them with all these changes, many show signs of 'knowing' or suspecting that they have been duped, wasting 60-70 + years of their lives promoting this company. They keep seeking reassurance that the end is nigh, and for them I will cave.
How very sad. It is one thing to wake up and come to the conclusion on your own.
But to feel you are being "put out to pasture" without real explanation is dirty.
Ynot...do the older ones dare to bring up about the BS that was supposed to be in place during time when they expected JWs to be persecuted most at the end? Don't they see these actions as being in direct conflict with "being the end" as portrayed by WT?
I am glad they have you.
If you skip one, then you are just "going to church on Sunday" like the rest of the "world"
5 days a week with no meetings means that JW's are now more susceptible to worldly influence. JW's will realize they are happier with less meetings- skip one more meeting a week and they are down to just one for the week. If they do this very many weeks in a row the WT mind control could begin to crack.
and that is those slackers that would rather miss a two hour meeting than a one hour meeting with possibly closer friends and some great food and close social interaction with them..
All good reasons to watch this one. Makes you wonder if they (WTS HQ) are really trying to get rid of "oompa's slackers"
My Mom called me to tell me how she wished I was there. How great an experience it was. It was like saying good-bye for the last time to a loved one for her. She said she gave extra comments because she probably won't get to comment much at the large congregation book study and commenting is such a privilege. (Mind you my Mom by HER admission can't understand half of what those books are all about!)
I guess thinking back to some of the book studies I've had I might have felt the same about no longer having intimate contact with the people. It was for some like having a mini gathering once a week. Now they just have the big boring meetings.