Why so do so many serial killers live in America like the B.T.K killer?

by Witness 007 29 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • oompa

    Because USA is the most desired place to live in the world apparently......judging from how many people are sneaking in here every day from all over the world.

    But over here.....on the side....i am known as "Jack the Stripper".........not ripper.................oomps

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Mary, I suspect that LouBelle was referring to her own country of South Africa not having warlords...

  • Mary
    Mary, I suspect that LouBelle was referring to her own country of South Africa not having warlords...

    Maybe she did but not even that assertion is true. South Africa most certainly has had warlords, most notibly during the conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. In the 1980's and 1990's, the UDF and Inkatha battles ended in the UDF gaining control of most of the townships, where the violence escalated as both factions vyed for political control. The politicians and warlords on both sides fought over access to water, housing, land and natural resources. (Mike Morris and Doug Hindson, "The Disintegration of Apartheid: From Violence to Reconstruction" in South African Review, eds. Glen Moss and Ingrid Obery (Braamfontein, South Africa: Raven Press, 1992, 158)

    Migration made the situation worse by the increased demands on resources. The warlords used the unstable political climate to gain favours and protection from the Inkatha. The ANC then promoted a revolt amongst the Zulu youth who then openly rebelled against the traditional tribal structures and on and on it goes.

    South Africa has also seen its share of warlords-----it's not just a problem in the rest of Africa.

    fig3.gif picture by sam3217

  • leavingwt

    Speaking of BTK....

    It was his own daughter that made his capture possible.


  • mahler

    I read a theory somewhere or other, that in western countries with high media control (outright banned movies) that the rate of serial killers goes up. Which makes sense, if a lunatic sits in a theater and watches the group react to the brutal death then its no longer a forbidden unique act, its a gross one. The French (I think) have a lower case of killers per capita than other developed nations yet they were making films in the early fifties that could never be shown in a north american theater today. Could be bull, but sounds interesting. I have a few other theories I could dig up, but I barely post here and it might freak people out :)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A recent issue of POPULAR SCIENCE magazine had an article about America's serial killers. It is now believed that at any given time there are at least two serial killers "working" in each of the fifty states. In Washington state right now there are at least four currently active serial killers.

    But America is not alone.

    If you have a VERY strong stomach, you might want to Google "Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs" to learn something about a group of bored upper-class Ukrainian kids who wondered what it might be like to kill someone, so they did, several times. They filmed their exploits with their cell phones so that they would have something to look back on when they got old. I don't think the State is going to give them that opportunity.

  • BurnTheShips

    I eat dead people.


  • chellechelle

    i would agree with loubelle because it is so big. also less people are awar of such thigns theres a prime market of illegal imigrants and people of the like of whome to prey upon

  • Priest73

    "Topics like this are posted for one of two reasons.

    1. Sit back and larf at all the upset people.
    2. A sort of penis envy.

    So, which is it 007?"

    I'm guessing 1 & 2. It's his lame attempt at stirring up Poo.

  • restrangled

    It seems a lot of these killers wind up in Florida at one point or another. If you ever watch "America's Most Wanted" a good portion of them wind up or have had a stint here in this state.

    I guess it might be the lure of the beaches, thinking they can sleep in warmth, undetected.

    It makes sense because so many people think they can make a go of it here from the North, and then find out they have to work double hard, with double jobs in order to survive. As a resident, I have not seen a beach for 5 years yet I am an hour away from a one of the most beautiful here in FLA.

    Guess we need a vacation!

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