Mary, I suspect that LouBelle was referring to her own country of South Africa not having warlords...
Maybe she did but not even that assertion is true. South Africa most certainly has had warlords, most notibly during the conflict in KwaZulu-Natal. In the 1980's and 1990's, the UDF and Inkatha battles ended in the UDF gaining control of most of the townships, where the violence escalated as both factions vyed for political control. The politicians and warlords on both sides fought over access to water, housing, land and natural resources. (Mike Morris and Doug Hindson, "The Disintegration of Apartheid: From Violence to Reconstruction" in South African Review, eds. Glen Moss and Ingrid Obery (Braamfontein, South Africa: Raven Press, 1992, 158)
Migration made the situation worse by the increased demands on resources. The warlords used the unstable political climate to gain favours and protection from the Inkatha. The ANC then promoted a revolt amongst the Zulu youth who then openly rebelled against the traditional tribal structures and on and on it goes.
South Africa has also seen its share of warlords-----it's not just a problem in the rest of Africa.