Unbaptized, do you still go to the Kingdom Hall?
If it's really "so close to the end"....
by cameo-d 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Unbaptized, do you still go to the Kingdom Hall?
Silenttone...why do you grill people for the purpose of putting them down?
this is not the first time you have done this.
there are jws and x-jws and how will the jws ever learn beyond what they have been taught if you all don't help them?
People dont need your goading and chastisement. Knock it off.
Homerovah the Almighty
will they ever announce that the world wide preaching work is finished?
Of course not this is a Cooperative Religious Publishing House , the end time mantra of the GT, Armageddon is part of their commercialization of their products which
of course is literature and other products, they will continue with this format for as long as it works for them and when they see there is a need to change something they will do so
as they see fit. As you can tell unbaptized is a mentally indoctrinated JW that will only spit out what ever has been recorded into his brain tape. The unfortunate thing for him he just
keeps on playing the tape over and over again and never really stops to Analise whats on the tape.
because truth is something not hidden but expressed publicly.
The truth is this false profiteering organization that has killed and destroyed many lives is now cowering back into a dark hole for the simple reason that the real Truth about this
hideously corrupt and deviously devised Corporation is being laid to bare for all to see on the inter-net.........and they know it. !
If they ever proclaimed the preaching work over, it could be their greatest embarassment. The clock would REALLY be ticking then. armageddon would have to show up. If not they'd have a lot of difficult explaining to do. They would try but we'd be all over them. So I don't think they'll ever proclaim the preaching work's end. At least not without some serious disclaimers and doubletalk to go with it.
Isaac Carmignani
Homerovah the Almighty
If they were ever to proclaim the preaching work is over, that means they getting ready to cash in their chips and head out of town,
with a flimsy statement like well I guess are interpretations were faulty after all, we regret any inconvenience and it is are understanding now that
the organization wasn't under god's direction after all. Good Bye
If they ever proclaimed the preaching work over, it could be their greatest embarassment. The clock would REALLY be ticking then. armageddon would have to show up. If not they'd have a lot of difficult explaining to do. They would try but we'd be all over them. So I don't think they'll ever proclaim the preaching work's end. At least not without some serious disclaimers and doubletalk to go with it.
Isaac Carmignani
That's the best answer I have heard!
It just seems to me that they are on the cusp of a change. Suppose it looks like its falling apart, but instead is really tightening up on the inner circle?
Suppose instead of preaching the kingdom is at hand, they begin to Prepare for the Great Educational Work?
Don't they need some fresh material to keep things going?
On the preaching work's end check out http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/127219/1/MAT-24-14-HAS-BEEN-FULLFILLED-MP3-FROM-BETHEL-HEAVY
This is what I posted on that thread about the 1995 WT stating this:
unbaptized: However some have forgotten that after the thousand years Satan will be let loose and a uncountable number of those who made it through Armageddon will be destroyed.
Now i thought Revelation was "signs and symbols"...figurative? Well i sue as hell hope so on this stoopid teaching.....Thanks God!...thanks so much for letting man suffer for thousands of years.......destroying the wicked more than once..........then letting us all be happy for 1000 years while the most evil of evilness and his evil demonz are in a dark hole somewhere......and now......with the earth a paradise and at peace with one another and truly a worldwide brotherhood......you are going to unleash this monster back on perfect mankind who are now guilty of NOTHING!.......just a big THANK YOU GOD!
if you are unbaptized.....i strongly advise you to stay that way, esp if you are under the age of 25. And since you are "a believer" ......if you were raised a JW, then all you have been taught has been with the preconceived notion that it is all true. Try reading or studying like you are a Catholic who just started studying with the JW's.....i found that when i started reading the Bible with the veil of "mandatory acceptance this is the truth"......that many things in the bible were WAY more simple than WT teachings.....
take blood for example....such a simple command "dont eat blood"..."abstain from blood".......there was only two or three things that they could do with blood back then, 1. eat it, 2. use in for color in art, writing, or clothing, 3.use in in some pagan worship ceremony (which is REALLY ironic because the jews used blood like CRAZY in their temple sacrifices)....so the main way to "abstain" from it was by not eating it....just pour it on the ground.....dang that is such a simple rule! But when some man in this manly organization come up with the idea.."well if you take a transfusion it is the same as eating it"....somebody should have bitchslapped him and told him he was an idiot! These same men in this manly organization said the exact same think about organ transplants "well if they take somebody's organ and put it in their body...that is the same as eating it...cannibalism"........well somebody finally bitchslapped this idiot and now WT teaches the right thing "the bible dont say nuttin bout this, so decide for yourself"....nice and simple....why did we need manly men telling us we were cannibals??? Why do we need them to also tell us we are vampires....eating blood? Exact same thing.
The wt teaching on the simple bible teaching of "do not eat blood" is so convoluted and complicated most do not even understand it. But what i find so funny is that now we can take all these parts and fractions of human and animal blood, yet the Bible clearly says it is supposed to poured on the ground! So i assume all the bloody parts and fraction also have some dirt mixed in with them since the blood had to be used after it was poured on the ground first?...........Sorry for the rant...but this JW teaching is far off from what the bible ACTUALLY teaches about blood it would make me laugh.....except that it can cost you your life...i have two friends who have lost their CHILDREN due to not giving them blood transfusions.....one couple....very close to me finally had a son.....he had a heart defect that could have easily been fixed.....but he needed a blood transfusion to buy some time and get stable.........he is gone now and they are no longer able to have children.....so this is very personal to me..............take care..........................oompa
i apologize for the lengthy off topic rant cameo-d