If it's really "so close to the end"....

by cameo-d 35 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d
    cameo-d, James Rayford got in very big trouble giving that talk, that is what I was told.

    Do they say he ran ahead of Jehover?

    How does WT disipline one for "very big trouble"?

    Who told you...an 'insider' ? Was it confirmed or just rumor that he was in big trouble?

    Is this person still giving fine talks?

  • free2beme

    It is always one day closer to the end ... always, and forever and ever.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    ......and are false prophecies have had absolutely nothing to do with the intensional promotion and circulation of are published litature......nothing........really

  • asilentone

    Cameo, yes he did ran ahead of Jehover, the talk outline is not approved by the governing body. I would think he would not be giving another assembly talk for a very long time. There were alots of folks calling the Brooklyn Bethel about his talk being circulated on the internet, they said the preaching work is NOT finished yet, I am sure he got fussed for that big time.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I've seen and heard men ramble out something unusual and non-directed in concordance with the talk outline, some were just given a pass and some were

    corrected by elders afterwards.

    Stupid is as stupid does .....Forest Gump

  • civicsi00

    Is James Rayford a Bethelite? What gave him the impulse to give such a talk?

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