Great post Oompa! Esp about the organ transplants and blood issue. Oh, and also the bitchslapping.
If it's really "so close to the end"....
by cameo-d 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not a brainless zombie as you would like to think homorovah. I'm just stating facts. I don't judge any man or any organization. That's not my way.
Ancient Israel made incorrect predictions due to the distressful issues they were experiencing at that time. I'm pretty sure there were a lot of messiah's popping up everywhere before, during and after Jesus death. They were so in anticipation of the coming of the messiah that they followed impostors and made incorrect announcements. Jehovah hid those things from the masses and only a small few actually knew that Jesus was the actual messiah. So with the organization making claims and over stepping there bounds on things that only Jehovah can declare is nothing new to me. However, though Israel made a lot of mistakes they were still Jehovah's chosen people until they denied and executed the Christ.
So in conclusion I feel that the organization needs to clean up some things but I still feel that Jehovah is with his people. -
Homerovah the Almighty
Unbaptized the only difference between biblical false prophets and are modern ones is the modern ones have devised and constructed ways to make profits off them.
If you truly inspire yourself to keep spiritually clean why do you associate yourself with spirituality that is so disgustingly unclean and that god will put down in his own due time ?.
The JWS or the WTBS. are not god's chosen organization plain and simple anf putting yourself as a servant of them is corrupting your own spirituality and moral integrity.
Either you walk in falsehood or you walk in the truth this is a decision we all have to make for are selfs.
Have you ever pondered on the fact that you may be creating your own destruction ?
Moral responsibility is a quantifying measure of are human character.
Will they fill that gap with something else, like "new system" lessons?
Yes, shouldn't they be instructing the potential survivors on ways to live without electricity, cell phones, fresh food and running water for an extended period of time? Also, the best way to dispose of all the millions of dead bodies?
i dont think they would ever announce the end of the preachign work or it kinda violates their whole point. they want to convert everyone. and at 6million and falling out of 6billion that doesnt seem like good odds
The doubletalk started way back in 1995. That quote actually states that the prophecy has been fulfilled. But then it says: "Matthew 24:14 continues to be fulfilled in a large way." So the EXTENT is what is in question. Which means they can go on and on and say never proclaim the end of the preaching work.
Unbaptized , are you sure it isn't time to get baptized? If we are that close to the end then how about making a comitment? The whole point is to avoid being destroyed in Gods day of wrath not that people will get a second chance even tho they fail miserably at following the path that jesus made for all to walk . I still agree with some of what the tower says but get angry and frustrated with their menality of taking everything they say as undisputable truth . I believe they understood the call to flee babylon and gradually left behind many pagan beliefs and practices , I'm good with that and the refusal to accept evolution science as any part of religion . Now they did get involved with the UN even after all their talk of staying separate with the world and it is really sad how they refuse to tell the truth on why they did it .They are going to be tied to the wipping post on that one for a long time .Anyway , if you don't want to be buried in the poo poo of the WTBTS history then you might should find other places to post your opinions . Just a word to the wise there , nothing more .......
WTS will stop "witnessing" (i.e. book/mag distribution) if and when they figure out a way to replace the revenue stream. They would have to either expand their other business lines (convention organization and real estate development) or add a new one.
They have the infrastructure, the equipment, the locales, and the doe-eyed followers sufficient for really world-class porn production, but I doubt that is going to happen. But if it did, they would make billions.
~Q -
Well, it looks like the preaching work is finished! They just slipped it in on you non-chantlantly! So now, when people seem confused when the door to door stops (maybe that will be by spring due to fear of uprising and economic revolt or pandemic) it can be said..."Oh, the slave already told us that a couple of years ago. That's old news." Besides, as confirmed through the fine talk (link below) jehover doesn't send his people into 'dangerous' situations!
Oh, and be sure to mark this reference. Those at Bethel finally admit that the FDS is the Governing Body!
Re: MAT 24:14 HAS BEEN FULLFILLED MP3 FROM BETHEL HEAVY posted about a year ago (1/10/2007)
Post 8597 of 12263
Since 9/1/2002It has the name "James Rayford" in the file info BTW, not Leon Weaver, and the talk title is "Be Intensely Occupied With God's Inspired Word," which is the headlining talk for the 2006-2007 Special Assembly Day. There is another version of the same talk at the site (which AFAIK lacks these remarks). Here is the text of what is said in the file: I'm going to put these notes down here for a minute and just say something to you. I'd like you to listen to this very carefully. For those of us at Bethel, we have the privilege of working with the Faithful and Discreet Slave, the Governing Body. And I would like for you to know how the Governing Body, the Faithful Slave, feels about things right now in this system of things, the time period in which you are living. The Faithful Slave feels that they have fulfilled Matthew 24:14, "this good news" has been preached "in all the inhabited earth for a witness." What does the next part of that text say after? (audience replies) Yes, the end will come. Do you know that there are only three countries in the entire world where there are no Witnesses today? Only three countries. They are Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan. That doesn't mean that the literature is not in those countries, there's no Witnesses there. And I mentioned this yesterday to some of the friends and they wanted to know why, and I'll tell you why. Jehovah does not send his people into any environment where they will be killed. That's why there's no Witnesses there. Those two countries bear community responsibility. But the good news of the Kingdom has been preached. Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Revelation 6, those scriptures are having their fulfillment, they're being fulfilled. So where you are in the stream of Bible prophecy? What is the next Bible prophecy to be fulfilled? The next one. Do you know? I'm going to read it to you. Turn to Revelation. Revelation 17:15-17: "And he says to me, the waters that you saw where the harlot is sitting, means peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. And those horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will HATE the harlot and make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshly parts and will completely BURN HER WITH FIRE, for God put it into their hearts to carry out his thoughts, or his thought, or even to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast until the words of God will have been accomplished." The words of God will have been accomplished. The anointed, the Faithful Slave, is waiting for God but there is one thought in their hearts. That is the next Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. For those who know what that means, that triggers the Great Tribulation. Once that starts, all of you will be locked into here you are now. Whatever you've done, you've done. There won't be any more, "You know, I could have, I thought of, that I might do this if I had the time." This is the time. What will you do about the time in which we are living. Be at urgency. Be quick about it. The time left is reduced.
Some observations of my own: (1) The speaker is clearly distinguishing these comments from his prepared talk by saying that he was putting his lecture notes down...this adds to the significance of the material to the audience as well as explains the divergence from the prepared lecture to those following along who have the talk outline. In the other version of this talk, there is some discussion of the fall of Babylon the Great and the current preaching campaign about 31-33 minutes into the lecture, perhaps this is where the speaker here went into his digression. (2) The quotation of Revelation 17 clearly has some connection to the recent Kingdom News campaign. (3) The Society has not claimed since 1920 that Matthew 24:14 has been already fulfilled. It was in the 1 July 1920 Watchtower that Rutherford revised the existing interpretation of this verse in order to justify the existence of new preaching campaigns when the Bible Students were already assured that the Harvest has ended. If the GB wants to change the interpretation of this verse, they risk losing a primary prooftext for the ongoing "preaching work". (4) The speaker asserts that "Jehovah does not send his people into any environment where they will be killed." The first thing that popped in my head when I read this was how Rutherford insisted that German JWs had to preach and spread his literature (which at the time was literally filled with anti-fascist propaganda) within Germany under the pain of "eternal death" at Gehenna. The publication of the "Fear Them Not" articles in 1934 made it clear to German JWs that they risk eternal destruction if they give any let up in the preaching work, and that they should not fear death at the hands of men since Jehovah would otherwise give them the "second death".
This post was by permission granted from the author, Leolaia.
Link to the original talk........
cameo-d, James Rayford got in very big trouble giving that talk, that is what I was told.