JW tells me, "1981 Watchtower article predicted today's economic problems."

by WingCommander 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Sinis, I think your just looking at things in a American perspective rather than a global one, China and India are two heavily economic super counties that

    are growing tremendously right now , do you really think those countries are just going to flop over with the rate of growth they are going through right now ?

    I wouldn't be all surprised if you see a Awake or WT in the coming months with ECONOMIC DISASTER BIBLE PROPHECY FULFILLED on the front cover

    and I have no don't in my mind you'll be one of the first people to have those magazines in you hands Sinis

  • WingCommander

    Homerhovah: Not that I'm trying to encourage Sinis, but I agree with him this time. We aren't even close the bottom yet. We are only 1/3 of the way there. The mortgage bubble has only BEGUN to burst, as the adjustable rate mortgages haven't come to fruitition yet, nor has the commercial mortgage loans burst yet. Gas will continue to drop eventually, and there will be an upturn a little bit this year, but we are merely coming to a crest in a wave before heading down again.

    I was watching a guy on 60 minutes, widely credited with predicted the first economic wave in October, a full 2 years or so ago, and this is what he had been saying. It was a great report that night.

    Even if it is another Depression, I feel we will come out of it.

    - Wing Commander

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Watch out for a renewed confidence with the Obama administration coming into office, don't kick the cow out of the barn just yet .

    2009 will not be a growth year, more likely a stabilizing recovery year

  • sinis

    This is the beginning of 1930. People did not lose their ass in 1929 compared to 1930. China is on the verge of imploding. Obama MAY try to stabilize the economy through 1 trillion plus stimulase packages but it will not do anything. The amount of money coming down the pipe is truely scary. What we are going to have is a mixture of inflation and deflation. Housing will tank even further, and jobs will go bye bye - right now at around 16% unemployment. States will become insolvent - as they already are, etc. BDI taking a shit - no raw materials, JIT produce, farmers being denied letters of credit, etc.....

    The shit storm is coming, but I do not believe it will be from "god" as the bible thumpers like to argue. No, this will be mans doing. Shit, we haven't even talked about nature throwing a wrench into the works - no solar activity, wetter than most years, bad crops, etc. 2009-2010 and possibly a decade beyond is going to be interesting to say the least...

    If it becomes another depression, more than likely it will be, yes SOME might come out of it. OIl production and populations have rose simultanously - meaning as more oil is pumped the population gets bigger due to more food, medicine, clothing, etc. The bell curve puts us on the right side compared to the 1930's. When production crashes, and output ceases to increase - people will die. So yes some may make it, but this is a mew society - new morals, new thoughts - MEism at its finest. The 1930's were completely different than now...

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