For You Know: Life in 1960

by larc 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Friends and Neighbors,

    On another thread, "Bad News For You Know", I pointed out the amazing changes that have occured in the quality of life since 1960. You Know maintains that life has been going down hill since then. After about 25 unanswered posts on that thread, I figured that he was not going to address the facts.

    Now, what I would like to propose is that you who remember life in the 1960's, to list some of the conveniences and inventions that the average person did not have then, that are readily available today. I already have written out my list, but I would like to get the contributions of others first, and fill in some detail that I have compiled.

    For those of you who can't remember the '60s, I think you will find this to be interesting. Even if you are younger than the '60's, I am sure that you can think of things that you have now that did not exist when you were a child, so jump in with your contributions.

  • logical

    Hippies, they started in the 1960's, do they count?

    Electronic music, home computers, cable TV, the Simpsons, mobile phones (cell phones to you Americans), some surgeries and treatments, CD's, DVD's, faked videos of fake moon landings

  • You Know
    You Know

    Life is not going downhill; the system is going downhill, now more rapidly than ever. I have never said, though, that there have not been technological advances, or even that some aspects of life are better now than in the past. Of course there have been many improvements and advances in various fields of science and some of these have been transferred to the everyday world. Obviously, we wouldn’t even be having this little cyber-exchange had not the computer and the Internet been developed in recent years and made affordable so that nearly anyone can own one. Yet in the face of the forward-looking optimism of the early 60’s there were strong counter currents that were beginning to be felt. For the most part, while the world is changing more and more rapidly, as time seems to compress, some changes are subtler and go by seemingly unnoticed.

    In the work-a-day world most people are content to just collect their pay and take care of the business at hand without giving too much thought to how the system that we are all dependent on actually works. The only time people seem to sit up and take notice is when they are directly affected---when the system doesn’t work so well. For instance, almost immediately after Nixon scrapped the gold exchange system set up by the Bretton Woods agreement after WWII, there was the so-called oil crisis. People were shocked to their senses. Gold shot up to over $800/oz. For years a gallon of gas cost about a quarter. Then in a very short period the price of a gallon of gasoline shot up over a buck. The once vibrant steel belt turned into the rust belt. The economic system shuddered under the shock. During that period inflation was eating up the buying power of the dollar and interest rates were over 20%. The underlying physical economy began a slow-motion deterioration during that period that has continued to the present. The term “rust-belt” was coined during that time to describe the northern cities that had once been the industrial engine that was driving the world’s economy. It has never fully recovered. The great science-driver projects, so-called, like the space program, have seen drastic cutbacks. The PC by the way, is a direct result of the space program, as scientists needed a compact computer, as opposed to a gigantic mainframe, to run spacecraft. The Super-Collider program, which was scrapped a few years back, no doubt would have spun off a whole new generation of technology. That’s how technology is translated into the actual physical economy so as to serve as a benefit to people. So, the programs and policies that made the nation what it is have been subtly destroyed. Instead, in the place of progress has come speculation and money schemes, which have fraudulently been hailed as the so-called “new economy.”

    During the 80s and especially during the 90s globalism took over. Third world nations became swamped in debt and have become part of a global plantation designed to exploit their resources and cheap labor. Most ominously is that America, the world’s great economic engine for years, is now the world’s greatest debtor nation. The nation has been living off the fat of previous decades. But, that cannot continue indefinitely.

    But, to keep the game going a little while longer, new and ever more inventive schemes have to be devised. During the 90s currency trading and derivatives became the primary source of income for financial institutions. Money became the most heavily bought and sold commodity by far. Dollars buying Yen; Yen buying Pounds, Pounds buying Lira; and back again to dollars. Trillions of dollars everyday; like the temple moneychangers, only on a vast global scale facilitated by instantaneous computer programs. Because of the rotted industrial base of the United States, the nation can no longer afford to produce its own needs. Instead the U.S. has become totally dependent upon cheap imports from plantation nations. Wal-Mart for example, typifies how the system has subtly changed, for the worse, whereas it is now the largest employer and retailer in the nation; paying low wages and importing cheap goods that in some cases were produced by slave labor. But, for many Americans, that’s the only way they can afford to buy the things they need.

    Enron is a classic example of the hollow and predatory nature of the so-called new economy, which some imagine to be a new and improved way to MAKE MONEY! Instead of actually producing gas and energy products, Enron got into buying and selling futures sales of non-existent gas and electricity. They found that it was much more profitable to sell virtual energy than it was to actually go out and transform nature into something useful. Of course when the gig was up their pyramid of virtual dollars came unwound and vaporized. Most people assume that Enron was an anomaly. It wasn’t. Many companies are dealing in vapor. The largest so-called industrial company, General Electric, acquires half of all its revenue through playing the very money games that burned Enron. Enron’s meteoric demise is a portent of things to come for the whole ponzi-based speculative system.

    The bottom line is that the system that we depend on for sustenance and life is nothing but an intricate house of cards. The laws of economics cannot be violated indefinitely with impunity. Neither can Jehovah’s moral laws. A system predicated upon usury, exploitation, and deception is immoral. Soon it will be weighed in the balances and found wanting. The Anglo-American dyad is definitely in its dying days.

    / You Know

  • ozziepost
    The bottom line is that the system that we depend on for sustenance and life is nothing but an intricate house of cards.

    This might sound OK to a Dub but what does it mean? It's typical of the reasoning that's been inherited from Charles T Russell who based his world-view on a division of all peoples into classes. This is something he'd been influenced by Karl Marx into adopting. You will recall that Marx taught the separation of the classes, labour and capital. Russell himself also wrote in similar vein so that the very first interpretation of the king of the north and the king of the south (Daniel's prophecy) he claimed was labour and capital. Check it out in the Russell publications. Since then we've had a theology riddled with references to classes. Further we've also been swamped with this idea of systems.

    Now You Know, please stop and review your statement. Do we depend on "a system" for sustenance? I would have thought a true Christian, such as you claim to be, would give praise to the Almighty God for his sustenance. But then you believe that God=WTBTS don't you?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • You Know
    You Know

    It's typical of the reasoning that's been inherited from previous ridiculers to the effect that just because the system hasn't blown out yet that's it's not going to blow soon.

    Now You Know, please stop and review your statement. Do we depend on "a system" for sustenance?
    Of course we are dependent upon this sytem of things. If there's war or economic decline everyone is affected including Jehovah's people. For instance when famine occurred in Cannan Jacobs family had to go down to Egypt for survival. That was Jehovah's provision for them at the time. Presently we really don't have to depend upon Jehovah all that much. Times is good, as they say. When the system blows though, as it is in the process of doing, that's when it will become evident who has faith and relies on God and who really trusts this system. The big D and his boys will have a final solution for the world once the Anglo system goes into eclipse. The judgment of Jehovah will be determined upon each individual as to how they respond during the catastrophe when the system collapses.
  • Seeker
    Enron is a classic example of the hollow and predatory nature of the so-called new economy, which some imagine to be a new and improved way to MAKE MONEY! Instead of actually producing gas and energy products, Enron got into buying and selling futures sales of non-existent gas and electricity. They found that it was much more profitable to sell virtual energy than it was to actually go out and transform nature into something useful. Of course when the gig was up their pyramid of virtual dollars came unwound and vaporized. Most people assume that Enron was an anomaly. It wasn’t. Many companies are dealing in vapor.

    That is the worst analysis of Enron I have seen yet. It's clear you took your preexisting world view and grafted it onto Enron.

    The reality is that Enron was buying and selling real gas and electricity contracts, and it was an is a viable business (if Enron goes, other companies will step in to take their place). What sunk Enron was some shady deals on the side that they hid from their investors. When they finally admitted it, confidence in the company's dealings was shaky, people began to wonder what else was going on, they removed business from the trading exchange, and the stock plummeted.

    It was a classic case of financial misconduct, not some new-age thing that You Know likes to pretend it was. If this is the kind of conclusions he reaches about something that just happened, it's clear he hasn't a clue about what is going to happen in the future. No wonder everything he has ever predicted has failed to come true.

  • Thirdson

    I have listened to much financial news about Enron including yesterday's lawsuit against the senior management of the company. The one thing I'll comment on is this:

    Apparently, the company traded prevously under a different name and after much fanfare they announced the name of the new company.

    **** Enteron ****

    A day later someone pointed out that enteron is he name of the embryonic alimentary canal (see Gray's Anatomy page 1158)...that is where poop comes from. They quickly changed the name to Enron. I guess it would be funny except for the employees who have seen their Enron shares--linked 401Ks go down the toilet!

    Thirdson - A 60s child

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • moman

    This post iz dirrected to (You Know):

    You need to listen VERY CAREFULLY tO ME & do the following EXACTLY in this mannor!

    Step #1) Go look in the mirror, study your relflection carefully

    2) Ask yourself if you are happy (relatively), be honest!

    3) You will have to answer "NO", deep inside you know something iz TERRIBLY wrong!

    4) Now ask yourself if you feel FREE, I mean FREE to think objectivly (about anything)...the honest answer for Dubs iz a resounding NO!

    5) Now ask yourself whos doin your thinking for you?

    6) If you are honest with yourself, you will admit its the WT that dictates your most important decisions.

    7) Ask yourself if they have been telling you the TRUTH?

    8) At this point, you must admit (if you have done any research) that they have been incorrect about many things,
    prophecies, dates, science, God etc. and they have spent considerable effort to conceal these FALSEHOODS from their SHEEP.

    9) Ask yourself, "are they false prophets",bible def. Deut 18:22

    10) Tenth & final step....GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!



  • You Know
    You Know

    Hey Moman, deal with the topic and stop being an apostate drone. Think for yourself and stop repeating Ray Franz's crap about the Watchtower being a false prophet. Sheesh. Get some new material at least. This board is going to kill me by boring me to death. LOL / You Know

  • joelbear

    Life gets better the system gets worse.

    The system is trade. People started trading as soon as the first cultures appeared. Thats all "the system" is. Parts of the system have fallen apart all through history and will continue to fall apart as cultures change, merge and disappear. If dollars became worthless tomorrow, people would immediately start trading something else. Yes, incredibly large changes to culture would also take place, but the system (trade) would go on.

    Rust belt decline comments.

    Yup, once again technological progress and history itself takes its tolls. There once were Eqyptian buildings filled with riches. Greece Rome, Amerindian cultures (Aztec, Inca, etc.) were rich and their cultures are gone now or merged with others. The process will continue. Change is imminent at all times.

    The Anglo American dyad is dying.

    I would say, there is a argument that could be posed that it is already dead. The German and Japanese economies are both bigger than the British economy. We will live to see China have the largest economy in the world and India not far behind it.

    Yes yes, things will change. Some will benefit from the changes, others will not.


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