I Knead Dough: CoCo's First Loaf

by compound complex 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    CoCo asked about bread starters,

    I'm thinking of making my own - does it act like yeast in the dough?

    Yes, just so. In the air around us are billions of spores of microscopic wild yeast and bacteria. given a hospitable environment, these like flowers of the plant kingdom will go to work for you, merrily converting the carbohydrates in your dough to simpler forms and releasing bubbles of CO2 in the process. It's these bubbles of CO2 that leaven your loaf, making it rise. When the dough goes into the oven, the higher temperatures cause the little bubbles to expand even more and also kill the yeasts and bacteria.

    It's pretty easy to "capture" a starter, but sometimes things don't go well or the organism that grows is not the right sort. Simply dump out the starter and begin again. Varying the wetness of your starter can influence which kind of yeast or bacteria thrive there, as can varying the pH of the mix by using a bit of fermented milk (buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream, etc) or acid fruit juice (just a bit - pineapple juice works well) in the starter mix.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Outlaw said,

    In a well prepared shoe dough there are 1,000 layers..Thats a lot of kneading and folding,but well the end result

    It isn't all that many folds, as each fold doubles the previous number of layers. So you have: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ,32, 64,128, 256, 512, 1024 layers with just 10 folds.

  • Elsewhere
    Baked the puppy

    WTF??? You baked a puppy???

    Well, that's what I thought when I first scanned your post.

    I was thinking: "That's meaner than stomping on a bag of kittens!"

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Ask him about his microwaved poodle - it's delish!


    CoCo.."I've heard of some cooks' fiascoes tasting like shoe leather.".....Yes,some people just do not belong in a kitchen..I remember going out for dinner with fellow Culinary Arts students..We decided on Chinese food..The restaurant we went to was nice,but the food was deplorable..The fact is,we could have marched into the kitchen and made our own meal..The worst part was..We had to pay for a meal,we could have prepared better!!..LOL!!...........Yes Coco,my skills do come in handy here in the wilderness..I can prepare anything I desire right here in my own kitchen..My guests love 5star meals in a pristine setting..........The worst part of being a Chef..You can`t just eat anywhere.....If I`m going to pay for a meal,the Chef had better be as good as me!..LOL!!............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I appreciate this simple story of all that which surrounds us and how to capture it for our use. The practical points are very helpful, too.

    Many thanks for your response!



    NN.."It isn't all that many folds, as each fold doubles the previous number of layers. So you have: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ,32, 64,128, 256, 512, 1024 layers with just 10 folds."...........True enough Nathon..But..In a Working Kitchen your not just working with 1 small lump of dough..Your working with many huge lumps of dough..Kneading and folding many huge lumps of dough is time consuming..And..There are other projects in the works you must keep track of,while your doing that...............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're welcome, CoCo. Thanks for starting this thread!

    A little bit more about pH - why do we call it "sour" dough? Because it is sour as a result of the lactic acid fermentation going on, as opposed to the ethanol alcohol fermentation of most bread yeasts and brewing yeasts.

    You might enjoy trying "kneadless" (ha ha, needless, get it? A hot buttered pun!) baking, in which the bubbling action of the yeast does the kneading for you. Here's a link for openers:


  • Satanus


    Thankyou for the starter directions. I'm thinking of trying it. I have always liked sourdough bread, but don't care for the vinegar versions in the stores. Doing it myself, might be better. How does a person tell whether they have caught a good or bad strain of yeast?


  • compound complex
    compound complex


    How does a person tell whether they have caught a good or bad strain of yeast?
    Kneadless to say [thanks, NN], that's the yeast of your problems. Stollen moments with that extra hot-buttered pun [again, NN] in the kuchen will go directly to your bundts. Rye knot take a powder from baking and popover for some Dutch Babies? I have polenta things to do but try not to get carawayed with too much rohrnudeln in der auflaufform.

    Butternut let me down.

    Roll on over any old thyme.

    CoCo Nut

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