I Knead Dough: CoCo's First Loaf
by compound complex 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
CoCo, please translate "rohrnudeln in der auflaufform."
compound complex
Quietlyleaving:: Ditto!
Rohrnudeln In Der Auflaufform - Baked Rolls in Pudding Form:
I pound sifted flour
1 package yeast, dis-
solved in 1/4 cup luke-
warm milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
grated rind of 1 lemon
3 eggs
1/4 pound soft butterIngredients at room temperature.
With CLEAN HANDS combine all
ingredients in above order.
Butter last, carefully worked in.
Knead into smooth dough.
Cover with towel, allow to rise
until doubled (1 1/2 hours).
Form small rolls, placed side
by side in greased, shallow 3-
quart pan.
Cover, allow to rise until doubled
in size (1 hour).
Rolls have risen and ready to bake:
1 1/2 cups cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
(omit if dinner rolls)
Combine the above and pour
over rolls.Bake at 375 degrees till brown/done
(45 minutes)Liquid absorbed into rolls
Whatja think - eh?
compound complex
Tried the Rohrnudlen yet?
Coco, I just saw this.
Sounds good! I shall try some.
John Doe
I need to buy a couple of loaf pans. Besides the taste of freshly baked yeast bread dripping with butter, it's a great stress reliever to knead the dough. I love the texture, and I could sit and just squeeze and work bread dough for hours.
Outlaw, my first husband is a CEC. Drove me nuts. He wouldn't cook at home but he wouldn't eat anything I cooked unless I served it with a garnish. "Presentation is 50% of the meal!" The last six months we were married, I didn't cook so much as a grain of rice for him.
The problem with living with a chef is that NO ONE INVITES YOU OVER to eat because they're too intimidated to cook for a chef! And, when you invite people over, they expect haute cuisine. Our budget didn't allow for that. We rarely had people over for "fancy fare." They were usually disappointed.
Excuse my spelling but once he made the most wonderful salmon en croute(?) and made spinach raviolis in a basil cream sauce. Yummy.
Ruins the social life, being married to a chef.
I need to buy a couple of loaf pans. Besides the taste of freshly baked yeast bread dripping with butter, it's a great stress reliever to knead the dough. I love the texture, and I could sit and just squeeze and work bread dough for hours.
I used to bake bread; I would knead it and shape it into the likeness of my first husband.
Then, I would pound it into my cutting board, cursing him, his conception, his birth, his everything!
Relieved a lot of stress that way.
I have all the ingredients now to bake some nice wheat bread... because of the whole wheat flour, the recipe calls for "dough conditioners"...I couldnt find it as a stand alone product, but there were alternatives listed and I found some at the grocery and some at the health food store.
The recipeie calls for small amounts of lecithin, citric acid, vital wheat glutin, and ginger as the components of the dough conditioner....... but the lecithin was sold in a big canister for about $20....I only needed 1/2 teaspoon... so for now I am going to forgo it and just use the other 3 ingredients... everything else I could buy in small quantity... but I love fresh homemade bread without all the unpronouncable ingredients and HFCs. ...and I wont be using a bread machine...all by hand.... I could use the stress relief.
Maybe I will do that later on today...I also have a hankering for either chocolate chip cookies..... (I have some Ghiradelli 60% baking choc I could use...) or a raspberry cheesecake.......... I hate buying the premade crap......
However....motivation is a serious problem for me right now....
Snakes ()
ps to OUTLAW.... mountain man is a trained chef? cool.... I learn something new every day about my fellow posters
compound complex
Happy Baking, All!
Thank you much for your entries. My latest foray into baking will include the use of ... (drum roll):
Clabber Girl Baking Powder
Hey, there's a girl in my biscuit!
CoCo's not ready for yeast yet