Typical GB double talk. Often these kinds of statements lead to JWs speculating. Then when it blows the GB always says: "We told you not to speculate", never acknowledging that they started the whole thing to begin with.
Isaac Carmignani
by Bonnie_Clyde 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Typical GB double talk. Often these kinds of statements lead to JWs speculating. Then when it blows the GB always says: "We told you not to speculate", never acknowledging that they started the whole thing to begin with.
Isaac Carmignani
Its simply part of the general scare tactics.
JWs are some of the most fearful people I know, aside from people with diagnosed phobias.
They're so scared of everything (promoted by the Org) that one has to wonder what is living even supposed to be about, constant fear? Its unhealthy.
I think the intent here is to imply that '120 years from 1914' (i.e. 2034, or by 2034) is exactly what the Governing Body had in mind.
They had learned their lesson from 1975 (probably) and will likely never give a hard date again. This was a little sneakier though. ... The implication is very clear. I can clearly recall that this was commented on at this WT in our congregation, and was to topic of many a conversation within the circuit. Our CO even mentioned it.
It is my viewpoint that everytime a date, period of time, or year is mentioned, esp in the same paragraph, there is always an ulterior motive regarding prophecy and dogma the GB wishes to promote. This "linkage" was anything but accidental.
I agree. They learned from the fiasco of 75 not to ever put anything out that specifically points to a date, so they drop these little hints of 120 minus 90 equals deep in the end and then hope that the dubs can add and subtract just enough to come up with their own new date. Then everyone speculates and hopefully gets busy in the service and they can deny plausibility later.
Problem is though, that most JWs didn't catch it, or if they did, it wasn't constantly harped on enough for them to start to believe it. It was an uninspired effort at creating a new sense of urgency that fell flat.
Typical GB double talk. Often these kinds of statements lead to JWs speculating. Then when it blows the GB always says: "We told you not to speculate", never acknowledging that they started the whole thing to begin with.
Isaac Carmignani
Ditto to what the smart man said.
That's the whole idea behind such stuff. They did it again a few times after that.
I know the last study article I conducted in 2006 had reference to the 120 years.
As a side note, this interpretation ignores the most natural meaning of the Hebrew expression "the days of X are n years," as referring to the lifespan of X (cf. the genealogies in Genesis), implying that Yahweh's pronouncement in Genesis 6:3 (originally independent both from the flood story and the extant situation of genealogies which still have people living over 120 years after the flood) was likely meant to fix the maximum lifespan of man (according to this tradition -- which, incidentally, corresponds to the age ascribed to Moses at his death, Deuteronomy 31:2; 34:7), rather than the date of the flood.
"The WTBTS has been wrong so many times,..."
Not just SO MANY times, but EVERYTIME. They have a 100% failure rate for their predictions. Nothing has come to pass in the manner described and at the time described. They re-write some of their failures to make it appear that they were correct on some things, like 1914, for example, but an examination of the original prediction shows failure, failure, failure.
This exceeds random possibilities; it is an example of what some have called Anti-Psi. A smart person would bet AGAINST the WTB&TS everytime.
Apostates accurately predicted this developing trend in JW speculation, and we can expect it to snowball as 2034 draws nearer. It should surprise no one if around 2027 the WTB&TS began an active campaign of "lifesaving" preaching activity because less than 100 months remained before 2034. I expect TRUTH book version 2.0 about that time.
We've been there, we've done that. We didn't even get the freakin' t-shirt.
A new generation of fear-filled JWs is entering fantasyland.