Hiya folks
Do you consider yourself to be intelligent? If so, the following will make perfect sense to you. (I love this non sensical intro!)
Black people have been discrimated in the USA for many years (unless you count unemployment, incarceration, longer sentences and death penalties as positive).
Countless non white people have discrimintaed against those who are not like them (most cases are not deliberate). Black people have battled racism in ways few people can understand or empathise with.
Then suddenly this black bloke (half black in fact) gets the top job in the world. If he helps black people overtly he is unlikely to be taken serously. If he does not the black community they will dislike him.
If a black person turns around and cries racism holders of power will look at Obama and claim that racism has ended. I have heard countless reporters and news agencies claim that equality has arrived with Obama's election. Our dilemma is that in the same breath as achieving what we hoped and prayed for, we may have at the same set ourselves back many years.
Obama's election good for black people? I just cannot see it.