I Love You......Life

by DannyBear 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    I've got about an acre of raw dirt, wanna come and do some serious planting?

    I just cannot for the life of me, relate to you green thumb types. I have tried, made myself grow a vegetable garden once, but just felt like I should be doing something else. Of course I did not mind eating the results of my cultivation...got real antsy. Planting rows of grapes, with the prospect of a good wine, is a different matter!

    ***Watching my husband get all teary eyed when I tell him something my boys said about him (as when he's been saying it for a decade and they finally understand).***

    Your husband was much like my neighbor (as described to RHW), when I told him my observations about his son's, his eye's got all misted up. He commented to me that many of his friends think he spoils them, by giving them each their own new pick-up trucks, but he confided in me that he had no reservations about doing so, his boy's stay out of trouble, have many projects, and are both serious about college and maintain straight A's in school. This man does not follow the crowd or spout pycho babble about raising kid's....he just seems to exude common sense and love, coupled with a no nonsense tough cowboy approach to life. I respect a man who can get misty eyed.

    I think I like the softer side of DannyBear as well, to bad life ain't always soft and cushy, eh?


  • Mulan

    I love the look of sheer bliss on my 5 year old grandson's face, when he hugs his mother (my daughter). On Thursday I asked him if he wanted to come to my house for a few hours. He leaped into my arms, and said "Yes, yes. Oh grandma, this is going to be the bestest day."

    That was a great feeling!! He loves my computer, and the games I bought for him on it.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • waiting

    Hey Danny,

    I never got into veggie gardening - I hear 7of9 can do wonders with a tomato plant, however. Besides, my mil does that stuff, plus the flowers.

    I think one reason I love to garden is because while out there, a person can think about anything....but not too deeply. Like existing on different planes at the same time, but the emotions usually don't get too deep. And if anger surfaces, well, just slap the fool out of that stump, or chop right through that *limb.*

    When I moved here, our *backyard* consisted of 50 old autos and a semi-tractor rusted out. My husband thought if was Just Fine, Thank You. Slowly, around a decade later, the cars were moved to some other property, and then the dirt started being redone. My kids & I ripped surface roots from where the cars used to be for a whole summer.

    My husband's biggest "honey do" was getting water to all the areas of the yard. He fusses and fumes, but then sits with coffee now and again and actually *sees* the daylilies.

    I failed to mention that none of my kids like gardening now. But they're young, I have hopes for them. They said I burned them out on it. Probably so!

    We have huge grape vines growing among our trees in the back - "sus....." some kind of grapes. Tarzan could actually swing on the vines. Mil has a grape arbor - very old fashioned looking.

    I could picture you making your own wine from your own grapes. Thought of a name yet? Btw, what kind of grapes are they, and what kind of wine would they produce?


  • DannyBear


    Geesh woman, it's not only your grandson, who would like to visit you and yours, this big bearguy would love to play with Muland and clan as well!

    There is something special about 5yr old's coined words...'bestest' really can't be expanded upon.


  • teejay

    Got another one, Danny ... dozens, really. Hell, I might single-handedly keep this thread going forever! Here it is:

    Being the first one outdoors after a snowfall. It's so quiet and peaceful you can hear people talking two streets over. The air is almost too clean to breathe, you can hear the crunch under your boots, and in that moment life is oh-so-very good. Sometimes you can even go out at night and, with or without a moon, it's bright as day. Well... not bright as day... you know what I mean!

    Btw, Danny, you said to 7: "When you can take a 2am call, and love it, you got it bad girl." You got that right. If my wife woke me up at 2 in the morning with some bullshit like that, I'd be pissed.

  • DannyBear


    I suppose if ever went back to veggie gardening it would be soley on the basis of tomatoes. To date I have not found a tomatoe that tastes as good, as those that come right off the homegrown vine! Seven any care package's would be appreciated. ;)

    We started making wine about 2yrs ago, we (5 long time friends) bought a stainless crusher, must second crusher, and some stainless fermenting tanks. Our first effort was Zinfandel, a highly prized varietal in our area...grower's often getting $2400 a ton. In comparison to other's like Chardonay maybe $600-1200 a ton.

    Because of the high sugar content, our first batch had to be fortified with brandy, making it a port wine. We named it honor of one of the groups mother who had recently died. It was spectacular!
    When the mid-state fair awarded the gold ribbon award, we were hooked.

    This year we crushed 1300#s of Syrah, another varietal that boarder's on the flavor's of merlot and cabernet. The Syrah as we speak, is in it's second fermentation, and will be ready to bottle sometime in mid to late 2002.

    I love the whole romantic process of winemaking, each year we save a few #'s for the girls to stomp in their bare feet. That alone can make for a pretty lively party in itself. Of course we are all tasting as we go. I refuse to put my big bear paws anywhere near what I will be drinking. He Ha.

    Maybe someday we will obtain all the license's and permits, and open our own tasting room and production winery....but we are taking it slow and learning alot more each year.



  • DannyBear


    You and me both...I have just on the spur of a moment, got in my 4wheel drive and headed up hiway 80 to Donner Summit 7000ft, just to experience what you described. Snow is precious to most Californian's, we have to go out of our way to get some. I know, I know we have it so bad!

    Camping in snow country, is another one of my favorites. Best to have a good tent heater tho.


  • patio34

    Well Danny Bear, 7of9, Waiting, TJ, & all,

    I really enjoyed reading about your favorite things! Some of them I have in common with you too.

    I enjoy nothing more than a good book, rising at 5 a.m. and doing my own personal stuff for 2 hours, going to bed by 8-9 really tired, being cheerful, enjoying my 2 well adjusted kids (altho they're both still in JWs), love my home and city, knitting and watching a good movie, talking on the phone to my savvy sister, Waiting, etc.

    Merry Christmas,

  • DannyBear


    My internal alarm clock wakes me every morning at 5:ooam, my coffee pot starts brewing at 4:55am.....Iam with you on this one 100%

    I check out the news/jw.com and just enjoy our morning sunrise, many have been almost as spectacular as sunset.

    There is something about reading a book, in the comfort of a weekend day or nite,no time constraints, that just makes the whole process....really worthwhile and a true selfish pleasure.

    Talking on the phone is not one of my forte's, I have had to utilize the phone so much in my business life, that I do everything to avoid having to use the medium. You can be very happy, that you do indeed have a sister, who will talk to you at all....I havn't spoken to two of my sister's in over 20yrs.

    After installing my Direct Tv antena, I must of spent the yearly budget on 'movies' in the first month. Good movies, popcorn, and a fire....


  • think41self

    What a great thread Danny and all

    There are so many "simple" pleasures of life. I too love that first cup of coffee in the morning.

    When my husband snuggles me in his sleep and tenderly kisses my shoulder...sigh...that's love.

    When my 15 yr old son tells me he is so glad to have me as his mom...that he doesn't know what his life would be like without me.

    My sister and her kids sharing the holidays with us...all the love and laughter.

    Watching a good movie or reading a good book.

    The sunset on the beach with someone you love...a good bottle of wine, a few dolphins playing in the surf...don't cost a thing but these times are precious. Makes me smile just sharing all these things with you wonderful people.

    P.S. Added just for DannyBear...thinking about BearAss spankings also makes me smile!

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