Casper Milquetoast's Cousin, Walter Mitty

by compound complex 128 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d

    Was their destination the crookedest street in the world?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good morning, Cam and Syl:

    Thank you for your posts.

    Yes, Cam ... Lombard Street....

    Please stay tuned!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Nothing - absolutely nothing - about Lola was sensible. Her beauty was otherworldly, her bearing that of a queen, her voice grating but ingratiating. After a few moment's time chafing her wrists and fanning her face with that scrap of violet stationery, Walter observed Lola's peepers fluttering open. She stared wide into those deep-blue hooded eyes of the man she could readily love but for the torch she held for Ricky - Ricky LaCosta.

    Detective Friday helped Miss Fanfarre to her 4-inch-stiletto-shod feet and she perked up to Bay City's fog-enshrouded skyline. Wobbly on kicks Dame Rutherford would have declared "not sensible shoes," yet Lola, steady on the arm of this guarded hunk of an inscrutable man, smiled that little smile that could sink a fleet of ships.

    Fully vertical, convinced that they had to get a move on, Walter hailed a Yellow Cab. A boxy DeSoto pulled up to the curb and proudly displayed its gleaming teeth - a bright, metallic grin of a massively tooled grill. The couple eased into the back seat, and the cabbie pulled into the pea soup and the night ...

  • snowbird
  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Off and running to scrub and clean ... again!

    Thanks for posting.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Settled into Chrysler Corporation's more modest but still luxuriously comfortable deep-cushioned comfort, the unconnected yet nonetheless striking couple raced through streets ghostly dark but for phosphorescent street lamps whose globes appeared floating unattached to the sidewalks below, haughty sentinels indifferent to lives lived and lost on the drenched pavement beneath their glowing auspices.

    As Lola crossed one fishnet-stocking-encased leg over the other, her right haut talon jarred an object on the floor directly behind a driver concerned only with tonight's lucrative fare. Detective Friday - as ever, on his figurative haunches and preternaturally alert to the slightest variation on the turning of a silent shadow, grabbed Lola's kid-gloved hand as it instinctively reached down to assess any possible damage done her hose. With the other hand, Walter lifted his index finger to his lips for silence, that to quash any possible invective or curious chatter on the part of the lady.

    Hands freed from the person of Lola and reasonably assured she got his unspoken warning, Walter pulled from his right overcoat pocket a pair of thick leather gloves, slipped them on, reached for the object ...

    Square and heavy.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Caspar peeked warily out the slit of his barely opened front door.

    He was about to venture forth from the warmth, comfort and security of home sweet home, with neither more nor less a modicum of self-sparing concern over what objects might fall from the sky to block his path after first crushing his spirit and his skull. The young and coddled namby pamby felt he must break free from the over strict, phobic restrictions that the elder Milquetoasts lay in his progress toward becoming a real man. He is, as of this writing, 8 years old.

    Of course, this was not an idea fully realized, that so-called Aha moment when, within the breast of the caged beast, the erstwhile jailed soul knows that he must break down all barricades impeding liberty. The lad needed a breath of fresh air, so, why not now? His parents were away, the babysitter was fully involved yelling into the telephone mouthpiece at her lank-haired, slack-jawed boyfriend and Caspar's normally watchful Rover was enjoying a not untypical moment of canine somnolence, sawing logs.

    The door went from slit, to tentatively halfway open, to fully and brazenly open. The young whelp cautiously minced his way forward a few steps and turned around to close and double latch the heavy oaken door. Upon reassuring himself for the third time that the door was shut fast against all intruders, Caspar pocketed the key and set out for a day's adventure ... in his own front yard.

    His parents locked the front gate and took the key.

  • beksbks

    Hands freed from the person of Lola and reasonably assured she got his unspoken warning, Walter pulled from his right overcoat pocket a pair of thick leather gloves, slipped them on, reached for the object ...

    Square and heavy.

    What is it?????????

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hang on there, Beks.

    I'm pausing The Chronicles of Narnia to open the box ...

    I finally came up with how to conclude the story with your line about the walnuts. It may take another few installments, however.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Remembering all too well the mischief and subsequent mayhem done fellow sleuth Nancy Drew and chums when dealing with sabotaged items of mysterious origin, Detective Friday assumed no package insinuated into a random Yellow Cab to be without an explosive device or shards of flesh-tearing glass or Egyptian asps. However thick and protective his leather gloves proved to be, Walter's keen tactile sensitivities told him that the three perils the writer alluded to 37 seconds ago were matters of no imminent concern.

    Whew ...

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