or keep handy a newspaper cutting of the most notorious case of child abuse in your area and say that you have been irreparably stumbled. And no thanks you don't want to discuss it as you are now speechlessly shocked, but you will be in touch when you recover.
Need to vent - being hassled by elders!
by wildfell 36 Replies latest jw friends
Beta Male
jimmy page just gave you a believable answer.
sadly enough.
All you have to do is put a small "No Trespassing" sign on your door or a larger version on your property depending on where you live, house, apartment, mobile home, etc.. Then they cannot knock on your door and if they do report them.
buy the cheapest webcam you can find and stick it high up above your door - doesn't have to be connected to anything
place a discreet sign on your door that reads "Smile and be nice for YouTube" with an arrow pointing to the webcam
buy the cheapest webcam you can find and stick it high up above your door - doesn't have to be connected to anything
place a discreet sign on your door that reads "Smile and be nice for YouTube" with an arrow pointing to the webcam
Good One!!
I can remember doing calls on the publishers that we had not seen at the Hall for a while, it was motivated by the fact that we really believed that they were headed for the end at Armageddon, and were concerned for them. Put it this way, if you believed that a former friend had a wasting disease or a habit that was leading to an early death, would you not try and assist?
One man in particular looked really uncomfortable when we called,perhaps he said the same as you when we left, they had been friends of my wife formerly but he was really off hand with us. But , a while later he was reactivated and the last time I saw him he was an elder !
Nowadays of course I would be in the category of those I called on.. I just wanted to put things in perspective . To call it harassment is to miss the point. If you really don't want it, write a letter of d/a and take the consequences. Otherwise just put up with it till they eventually give up.
BTW Around nobody cares if you disappear . I dropped off the BOE and stopped reporting, Nobody said a word or called until my wife begged them to contact me. We talked for one hour and they never followed it up.
Paint Your face RED
Put on horns
Grab a trident (pitchfork will do)
Answer the door!!
If your trying a discreet fade..................
Don't do the above
Good Luck
BluesBrother, I agree with you for the most part. JWs think they're doing the right thing. It's just unfortnate how they go about it sometimes.
OTOH, I can understand the anger of having to deal with someone who wouldn't leave when the door wasn't answered. To continually bang on the screen door and yell loudly into the home is rude and inexcusable.
It's one thing to deal with JWs who stop by unexpected. You can deal with that easy enough...either don't answer the door or answer it and BS em till they leave. But the degree to which this couple went was out of bounds. Had that happened at my home, things would have ended badly...for them.
"Nowadays of course I would be in the category of those I called on.. I just wanted to put things in perspective . To call it harassment is to miss the point. If you really don't want it, write a letter of d/a and take the consequences. Otherwise just put up with it till they eventually give up."
Its NOT harrassment for someone to repeatedly POUND ON YOUR DOOR and YELL YOUR NAME??? If it wasnt a JW you wouldnt call that HARRASSMENT??
Are you crazy??
She has the RIGHT in her OWN HOME to expect PRIVACY and doesnt have to get herself DAd and SHUNNED just because you think she deserves this treatment because those are JWs doing it. I cant frickin believe it. It sounds like you still have one foot in the door for you to be supporting this abhorrent behavior.
" I wasn't going to hide in my own home. Did they go away? No. They just kept on knocking and knocking. Finally, they started to actually bash on our screen door! Then the woman began to repeatedly shout out my name at the top of her lungs!!!"..........................
................A woman you don`t know is bashing on your door and screaming your name!!..........For all you knew she picked you out of a phone book..And..Wanted to try out her new Chain Saw.................Next time..Call the police..........................