I am truly from South Africa

by LouBelle 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    I spent a month in Cape Town. It's quite beautiful.

  • Priest73

    You don't know a Ronnie Mervis do ya?

  • LouBelle

    drwtsn32: En nou? Kan jy vertel as ek het 'n akcent of nie? Die regter weg om Buy-a-donkey te se' en skryf is "Baie Dankie"

    sacolton: dit is 'n plesier (it's a pleasure)

    musky: Gold & Diamons - For diamonds you would go more towards what we cal the Northern Cape, to a town called Kimberley - it was a huge mining town back in the day & there is a huge hole known as the Kimberley hole.

    Gregor: I can speak and write Afrikaans and I know a little zulu. Crime is still rampent. That being said though, there has been slight improvements, well it seems so anyway. You still have to be vigilent and use your head when you are out and about, stay clear of the dodgy areas and such. Mandela is still a great man and did this country a huge service - he is an inspiration to the nation, Mbeki tried following in his footsteps but didn't have the Mandela "magic". Our next president - Zuma is a down right idiot - he realy is and has very little to offer us, but being backed by the biggest sector of the nation (the zulus - he is going to have the top job soon)

    cameo-d: I've never heard that.

    BTS: You must come - for every dollar you get 10 of our rands - it's a great time for the americans & british to travel.

    purps: will do!

    Priest: not personally.

    The next is a true story and it would do you well to remember it when you decide to explore one of our game reserves. A french tourist got out of his car to take some pics of the bush & some wildlife in the distance. Little did he know that a lioness was less than 50m away ... stalking him. Friends of mine got this on camera & had to eventually hoot to warn the tourist & to distract the lioness. When they told him he was the "hunted" he didn't believe them until they showed him the footage...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Knew you were who would question that?...you've posted alot of South African info. on here....we Aussie beat you at Cricket didn't we? lol.

  • slimboyfat

    I am not really in Afghanistan.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I am truly from Abudabi. Me and Otie get along pretty well.

  • LouBelle

    Witness - hmmmm you poor ozzies got a whipping of note - was it a white wash? You can still come over for some chicken though.

  • IP_SEC

    I never thought you were from anywhere but South Africa. Does it really matter what anyone but me thinks anyway?

  • LouBelle

    IP_SEC - took you a while.

  • mrsjones5

    I've never doubted that you are where you say you are. I have friends who are from South Africa, a very nice couple who's son was in grade chool with my oldest son (they were best buddies). I was slightly surprised when they told me that they were from South Africa because they didn't fit in what I thought was South African, they weren't white or black. That's when I found out what "Colored" means in South Africa.


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