Vilification of a Kindly Infidel

by compound complex 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d

    Did you know that Brother Samuel Clemens and Brother Luther Burbank were contemporaries? There was only about 14 years difference in their ages. It seemed that they had some mutual friends as well.

    Here is an interesting tidbit I found about a mutual friend comparing the two of them. This an excerpt from Elbert Hubbard's "Little Journey's to the Homes of Great Businessmen".

    "Somewhere I have said that there were only two men in America who could be safely endowed. One is Luther Burbank and the other Booker T. Washington. These men have been made the world their debtors. They are impersonal men-sort of human media through which Deity is creating. They ask for nothing they give everything. Mark Twain belongs in the same select list. The difference between Mark Twain and Luther Burbank is this: Mark hoes his spiritual acreage in bed, while Luther Burbank works in the garden. Luther produces spineless cacti, while Mark gives spineless men a vertebra. Mark makes us laugh, in order that he may make us think."

    The subject of this story was concerning the life, friends, and philosophy of H.H. Rogers, of Standard Oil fame. (Rogers and John D. Rockefeller were buds. There was only a year difference in their ages.)

    What brought up the topic of Burbank and Twain was this mention:

    When H. H. Rogers paid off Mark Twain's indebtedness to the tune of ninety thousand dollars, he did not scratch a poet and find an ingrate. What he actually discovered was a philosopher and a prophet without a grouch.

    Ninety thousand dollars is a pretty big sum even today. I swoon to think what it was worth during 1867. That was just after the War Between the States. I can't help but wonder, could he have gotton himself in so much debt like that! Wonder if it was his Lodge dues?

    Another parallel I see between the Mystery Religions and these Mystery Clubs is lack of full disclosure. With the JWs the appeal is perhaps the "family of Friends" get that feel with the initial love bombing. With the Clubs the appeal is perhaps business networking. With both of these Mystery groups, exclusivity of membership with the resultant importance attached to being a member is one of their most powerful weapons.

    Even though it appears Mark Twain was only affiliated with the Freemasons for 2 months and spent the rest of his time under their oath trying to get out of there, they have certainly used his name for mileage and prestige. I wonder how many people were influenced to join because of being impressed that Mark Twain was a member, so it must be a good thing? I wonder how many actually investigated the whole story before joining, thinking the association would bring them status and prestige?

    With the religious groups, the only way to become a member is through a "baptism" ritual. You are told it is to 'wash away your sins' or an act of 'dedication to follow Jesus', but in reality, what it is, is a committment to the organization and a requirement for membership.

    With the "Clubs" you are instructed to memorize your part...and it seems like a play-act. A lot of their rituals are memorization of "parts". You don't really understand what's going on, and no one really tells you. You are to just blindly do as you are told. It is rather like kids play acting. You wear special attire for the events, (as dictated) and so it seems rather like participating in a play. You are "presented" to a person who is sitting on a throne with a septre and you recite what you have memorized. Others recite their parts, ( you have no previous knowledge of the "entire play", so you do not even realize what is going on). Not till later do you come to understand it was for real when you gave a blood oath and pledged to have your throat cut and your heart torn out if you ever revealed the secrets. And what is this oath that you are agreeing to uphold?Here's part of it:

    You must conceal all crimes of your brother Masons....and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him....It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligation." Ronayne, Handbook of Masonry p. 183

    Exclusivity and lack of disclosure before committment. Weapons of entrenchment.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, cameo.

    I shall seriously ponder what information you have laid out and endeavor to determine - as with anything I now read sans the WT filter - what are the straightforward facts before drawing any conclusions as to how I should act. Accustomed to detailed literary embroidery myself, I readily admit that I have a penchant more for the tale than the mundane truth. This is not to say, however, that there are not clandestine forces at work. Some of those "forces" are right under our noses, I'm sure.

    Naysayers haven't dissuaded me from considering all possibilities, some of which may very well mutate into unsavory probabilities, even actualities.



    Edited to add: I just now viewed Education for Death, unaware that Disney made such "films."

  • cameo-d

    Curiously enough, Walt Disney uses this very same piece of literature in one of his films circa 1943. So, has Mr. Disney plagerized Mr. Clemen's work... or could it be that this "Law of Nature" is not an original idea of Mr. Clemens?

    Could it be that this is a universal principle taught in Freemasonry?

    I just wanted to make it clear that the implication of plagerism was tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously.

    Mr. Clemens "Letters from the Earth", though written in 1909 was not released for publication until 1962.

    Mr. Disney's film was produced in 1943.

    What is curious is that Brother Clemens and Brother Disney have the common denominator of Freemasonry and both use the same example to illustrate the principle of survival of the fittest.

    While it is true that we may see this play out in the animal kingdom, humans are endowed with a conscience, whereas animals have instinct. Humans were meant to be superior to the animal kingdom. And though these teachings of survival of the fittest promote exploiting the weakness of others or annihilation of the crippled, this is in direct opposition of what Jesus taught us. We are to lift our brothers. We are to comfort each other.

  • cameo-d

    I readily admit that I have a penchant more for the tale than the mundane truth.

    And that is why you, dear CoCo, are the tarragon of the earth and not salt!

  • cameo-d

    Edited to add: I just now viewed Education for Death, unaware that Disney made such "films."

    And just as a point of interest, today is the anniversary of it's original release date.

    Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi is an animatedshort film produced by Walt Disney and released on January 15, 1943 by RKO Radio Pictures.

    .....the film is rarely shown today, but it is featured on the DVD Walt Disney Treasures: On the Front Lines, a compilation of Disney's wartime shorts released on May 18, 2004.

  • cameo-d

    Well, back to Brother Burbank and his dilemma of vilication.

    Perhaps this is a good place to begin as this seems to be the start of the uproar.

    excerpt from your link:

    Until 1926, Burbank had preferred not to publicize his freethought views broadly, ....

    But two events caused him finally to go public with his opinions of religion.

    The first was the famous Scopes trial of 1925, the "monkey trial" that thrust evolution into the national spotlight. The fact that a high school teacher had been put on trial for teaching the "heresy" of Darwinism (which Burbank had been teaching, and practicing, for many years) "aroused him to a conviction that he ought to speak out, without mincing words, and declare for truth," according to biographer Wilbur Hall (The Harvest Of The Years, by Luther Burbank, with Wilbur Hall, 1927, Houghton Mifflin).

    Brother Burbank defended his position against religion in saying that "Science, unlike theology, never leads to insanity". A rather humorous statement, and upon first observation may appear to be true. However, many disagreed with his views.

    Perhaps we should start this inquiry on the premise of Brother Burbanks defense: "Science . . . has opened our eyes to the vastness of the universe and given us light, truth and freedom from fear where once was darkness, ignorance and superstition. There is no personal salvation, except through science."

    “The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work' with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.”

    - Huxley, Brave New World Revisited , 116

    .....the history and background of this 'scientific dictatorship' is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed by the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry.

    The ruling class has controlled the masses through mystical belief systems. Gradually, it has frayed, as many have asked too many questions and realized the deceptions. The controllers have always been a step ahead and have planned for a new theology wherein science takes up the slack for those who reject the lies of 'old time religion'.

    This form of epistemological imperialism is not to be confused with legitimate science. Researcher Michael Hoffman makes this distinction in his book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare : ........Scientism is science gone mad, which is what we have today.” (Hoffman, 49)

    Hoffman further elaborates on the folly of scientism:

    “The reason that science is a bad master and dangerous servant and ought not to be worshipped is that science is not objective. Science is fundamentally about the uses of measurement. What does not fit the yardstick of the scientist is discarded. Scientific determinism has repeatedly excluded some data from its measurement and fudged other data, such as Piltdown Man, in order to support the self-fulfilling nature of its own agenda, be it Darwinism or 'cut, burn and poison' methods of cancer 'treatment'.” (Hoffman, 49)

    It would seem to me, that science, or rather it's misrepresentation as 'scientism' can lead to insanity and is still a mystery religion of sorts, albeit a more sophisticated technological mystery.

    “The doctrine of man playing god reaches its nadir in the philosophy of scientism which makes possible the complete mental, spiritual and physical enslavement of mankind through technologies such as satellite and computer surveillance; a state of affairs symbolized by the ' All Seeing Eye' above the unfinished pyramid on the U.S. one dollar bill.” (Hoffman, 50)

    Evolution: The Occult Doctrine of Becoming

    With the British Royal Society acting as their headquarters of propaganda, the elite had created an institution to provide credibility for their specially designed 'science.' Now, they needed to introduce the 'science.' Recall that the founding members of the Royal Society were all Freemasons. Thus, whatever 'science' these men would design would be derivative of Masonic doctrine. In The Meaning of Masonry , W.L. Wilmhurst reveals the worldview underpinning the new Masonic 'science':

    “This - the evolution [emphasis added] of man into superman - was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning.” (Wilmhurst, 47)

    With God's effective exile from science, man's position as imago viva Dei (created in the image of the Creator) was summarily relegated to obsolescence. Now, Freemasonry could introduce its occult doctrine of 'becoming,' the belief in man's gradual evolution towards apotheosis.

    In summary, the science being put forth today through these channels, teaches that man is becoming god.

    The purpose of the harvest is to gather those of "superior" intellect and breeding to further evolve into godheads.

    The armageddon is the culling of those whose genetics show predisposition to infirmaties and disease, those of lesser beauty and intellect ...all of these must go to the scrap heap. Only the best of the genetic lines shall go forward to further evolve into perfection to become as gods. This is the heart of their teachings.

    excerpts quoted from: The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship (Part One: Illuminating the Occult Origin of Darwinism)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, cameo, for the above information.

    The subject of Burbank's vilification appears far more complex an issue than I might ever have imagined. My naive and artless approach is that - no matter what - disagree without being ... you know. Given what appears to be another and, perhaps, legitimate counter argument to Burbank's position, i.e., that science of itself cannot provide moral and ethical direction to errant mankind, it may be that his opponents saw potential danger in the implementation and realization of his ideals. One's sincerity and good intentions in espousing one's ideals do not necessarily render that one guiltless should one's belief system become applied and enforced, producing tangible harm to the recruits. Too, there is collateral damage to those within the true believers' realm of influence, though they themselves are not necessarily persuaded. But then ...

    How can the immediate and long-term effects of an enforced belief system be gauged, studied and assessed for their salutary or, conversely, deleterious outcome?

    Of course, this question has some answers that I am already acquainted with.



  • ninja

    hey these quotes

    "Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out.... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, _Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks]_ p.147, translated in _The Occult and the Third Reich_, Jean & Michel Angebert, p.178.)


    W.L. Wilmhurst reveals the worldview underpinning the new Masonic 'science':

    “This - the evolution [emphasis added] of man into superman - was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality.

    sound familiar?

    the theory of man to superman?

    read the connections between hitler,the secret doctrine by helena blavatsky,freemasonry and the new age....


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Ninj:

    the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to per-
    fect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality.

    Great hearing from you! I've never even considered that aspect of human evolution and do not recall if the WTB&TS touches on it in their publications (and then shoots it down). As I look further into the information you've provided, I'll determine if all of the above is merely theoretical or actually applied. And here I thought that apotheosis was confined to Wagnerian opera.

    Much of this is over my head, but thanks for the food at the proper time. I was hungry and you gave me something to eat ...

    Cokey Pokey

  • Clam

    Interesting thread CoCo Thank you.

    And here I thought that apotheosis was confined to Wagnerian opera.

    I can think of 144,000 people that might take issue with you there.

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