To whom shall we go?
It seems the majority of people still have Neanderthal minds when it comes to believing the superstitions, lies, and bigotry taught in religious institutions even today.
Some particularly bright folks realize it earlier than others; the thousand eyes are looking for them, and they are recruited into higher organizations which promote evolution of the species. Brother Luther Burbank became involved with such an organization, not realizing that it is simply trading one lie for another, and like all religions, when it mixes truth in with the lies, it makes the lie stronger and believable.
Brother Luther Burbank felt a lot of the same anger at organized religion that we all have here at this board. Here are some excerpts from his eulogy which reflect his beliefs (and which many of us recognize as lies of religion also):
. . . In the orthodox threat of eternal punishment for sin--which he knew was often synonymous with yielding up all liberty and freedom--and in its promise of an immortality,....
He was defending the rights of man as against the mists of dogma with its brutal mythical tyrant that some yet call God--the Moloch who consigned innocent, little unbaptized children to a fiery hell, or to utter darkness, or who burns the creatures that he has made, knowing when he made them that they were made to burn.
Then no more shall we have a mythical God that smells of brimstone and fire; that confuses hate with love; a God that binds up the minds of little children, as other heathen bind up their feet--little children equally helpless to defend their precious right to think and choose and not be chained from the dawn of childhood to the dogmas of the dead.
One of the saddest spectacles of our times is the effort of hidebound theologians, still desperately trying to chain us to the past--in other forms that would still invoke the inquisitions, the fears, and the bigotries of the dark ages, and keep the world in chains. The chains of lies, hypocrisies, taboos, and the superstitions, fostered by the dying, but still the organized, relentless outworn theology of another age. They refuse to see that in their stupid lust for power they are endangering all that is good.
Brother Luther Burbank believed himself to be a Freethinker. (That is also a Masonic buzz word.) However, can one ever truly be a freethinker when under the influence and philosophy of any organization which promotes a spiritual agenda and adherence to a particular concept?