Vilification of a Kindly Infidel

by compound complex 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ninja

    also the apotheosis of washington cokey ....<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

  • ninja


  • ninja
    ninja do you post images?

  • ninja
  • Clam
  • ninja

    thanks clamster.....appreciated

  • Clam

    By the way Ninj, all I'm still doing is copying and pasting from my image host. I've never had to do anything else, although Baba's got a thread going on the subject.

  • BabaYaga

    Thanks for the advert, Clam!

    Here ya go, Ninj...

    Now back to our originally scheduled infidel thread.

  • cameo-d

    For readers who may not be familiar with Brother Luther Burbank's accomplishments, I would like to provide a clip of condensed info.

    (born March 7, 1849, Lancaster, Mass., U.S. — died April 11, 1926, Santa Rosa, Cal.) U.S. plant breeder. He was reared on a farm and never obtained a college education. Influenced by Charles Darwin 's writings on domesticated plants, he began a plant-breeding career at age 21. On the proceeds of his rapid development of the hugely successful Burbank potato, he set up a nursery garden, greenhouse, and experimental farms in Santa Rosa, Cal. There he developed more than 800 new and useful strains and varieties of fruits, flowers, vegetables, grains, and grasses, many of which are still commercially important. His laboratory became world-famous, and he helped make plant breeding a modern science. He published two multivolume works and a series of descriptive catalogs.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Daer cameo,

    Thank you, once again, for the outstanding research that you've done. What a world of information awaits us all a mere click away. I do miss my former pilgrimages to the world's bibliotheques; of course I do. But instant information is a force to be reckoned with.

    I still get lots out of books, however. It's just so different.



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