I don't know whether you'd call it a study or not, but I had a JW coming over regularly. I think he tried to study the Live Forever book with me, but we both agreed it was remedial nonsense and I suggested tackling the Bible itself. We got into good discussions and never went back to that JW book.
Of course, I was just playing with him and was never / would never be lured into it.
But that's probably not the game lola wants to play with this woman. She wants to give her comfort, not put her under stress and challenge her beliefs. A challenge might drive her away from what might be the only person who's going to want to spend time with her.
Of course, we can't be too hasty in saying the congregation isn't helping. My dad's in his 80's and he's always telling me about people coming over to help him out, blow the snow after snow storms, bring them dinners, etc.
Sadly, even with meetings, JWs dropping by, and a 1-hour or so book-study, there are a lot of hours in the week where you're on your own. It can still be a lonely life.
lola, that's a very caring thought. Maybe you could slowly work other things into it. Sure, it may start with a book study, but maybe you can do something after that. Play games, have lunch, go shopping, or just talk. Maybe you can turn that into a regular activity and push out the book study. Even if you can't, that extra time with her may make the mind-numbing book study more palatable. Because you're going to come to dread that book study. And if that's all you do, you're going to come to dread seeing her to. So add more to it. So that when she comes, you can think about the other things you did together.