Over the last 3 years I have lost 49% of the value of my savings.
Just got my 401k statement :S
by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends
Oh man that sucks. Soz Elsewhere.
Sorry to hear that. I feel your pain.
word. I maxed mine out last year complete with emp match, and I have less now that when I started last year. shit.
It's a C-O-N-spriracy I tells ya.
I lost 25% of mine last quarter alone!
It's the same with my husband's 401k. We have lost at least a quarter of it. Makes you wonder sometimes what is the point in trying to save for retirement.
Yeah, mine's down about 50% too. Sucks. But we're still young, so we have time for the market to recover. Don't switch to a conservative investment type now; you already got all the losses. If you switch you won't gain when the market bounces back. Of course that assumes the market is near the bottom and it will bounce back. lol
Sorry to hear that. Is it like mine where there are reduced risk options like bond or T-Bill funds?
My husband's 401K is down 40%, and he's supposed to retire in about 6 1/2 years. Hopefully Armageddon will arrive by then (LOL).
I quit!
I'm only down about 48%. You just don't know how to invest.