I haven't even looked. Don't want to feel sick.
But I'm still in it and contributing; my gamble is what I've heard, when it goes back up it is going to be very good. Who knows.
by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't even looked. Don't want to feel sick.
But I'm still in it and contributing; my gamble is what I've heard, when it goes back up it is going to be very good. Who knows.
we decided to sink all of our savings into our mortgage and feel much lighter now
Mine was down by a third last year. Down by 2% so far this year.
Quicken is cool, it makes it easier to watch your money disappear.
Do the French still make guillotines?
With the manufacturing base in the US constantly eroding, why not build them here in the rust belt?
To sell now is to lock in the losses. One hopes a reversion to the mean is in the offing, hopefully soon. Besides, retirement is for quitters.
Pretty sad way to look at it Burns..and what a way of devaluing retirees. A lot of people who 'retire' from an employer, fill their time in ways that benefit their community and their families. A lot of grandma's and grandpa's are out there babysitting their grandkids so mom and dad can work, go back to school, maybe take a vacation. One couple that I know took courses on literacy and spent years teaching people how to read as they sat in the bottom of the local library. Another woman volunteers at the soup kitchen and still another is a 'buddy' for a developmentally challenged adult - they go for coffee and spend time together. Still another volunteers in the hospital gift shop. Others volunteer to run the movies for those in rehab facilities or go and sit, write letters and read to the sick and housebound.
I worked in social services for many years and the value of our volunteers, the majority of who were retirees, was immeasurable. Without them, we could not have the same successes in our care as they helped out in so many ways.
Retirement is a time for a lot of people, to really give back and do something they enjoy helping others. Retirement for others is that time they set as a future goal for their spouses and families when they plan to travel and reconnect with friends. A goal they achieve after dedicating 10 hour days to the corporation and saving their money to do so - I don't see that as quitting. I see it as staying in the game. sammieswife.
we lost 35% of my kids college fund
the other day I got by mistake somebody else's 401k statement and it was 10x my value. I showed the wife and said "i wish"
Pretty sad way to look at it Burns..and what a way of devaluing retirees
You've got to upgrade your sense of humor module.
Me, I am hopefully going to die in the saddle, or behind the plow, or whatever. Hopefully something productive. People think they are entitled to living for decades without having to work these days, that is a historical anomaly.
I'm down about 35% in total. Fortunately, I (hopefully) have another 25 years in my current occupation before I retire and then take up doing something a bit more enjoyable. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the WTS for changing their teaching on the generation in 1995. Up till then, I was convinced that the end was going to happen any day. Certainly before I retired (being about 26 at the time). After that change, I decided I needed to start saving for retirement "just in case". As depressed as I am about my losses, I think it would be even tougher knowing that I missed out on 14 years of saving and compounded growth.
When the Bushwacking began and the presidency was stolen, I moved half of my money to cash.
The stock market doesnt like moron presidents and stupidity in the oval office.
Its Very emotion driven.
With the money I moved to cash I put it in a bank cd 401 K at 4%. I have enough in the bank to pay
my taxes for the rest of my life and eat beans.
With the other half that I left in the market thats the icing on my cake or the sausage in my beans.
When the market is high, people including me thought it would never stop going up.
When the market is low people think it will never stop going down.
The stock market gives and the stock market takes away.
The stock market is responsible for America's problems in more ways than one.
Each year a company has to make more and more money to pay a dividend to the shareholders.
When a company can no longer make a profit in America paying Americans living wages and pay the dividend
The companies then move to third world countries where the labor is much cheaper.
The products cost the same or more and the stock holders get their dividend.
That doesnt seem like a good plan or system for the American worker.
I guess we will have to start eating our imports.
or each other.