I am kind of glad now I cashed mine in when I quit my job at the end of '07 and took the 25% penalty.
Probably would not have been anything there by retirement anyway.
by Elsewhere 39 Replies latest jw friends
I am kind of glad now I cashed mine in when I quit my job at the end of '07 and took the 25% penalty.
Probably would not have been anything there by retirement anyway.
Good thing that you're raking it in hand over fist, else;)
I was a JW until 2008. I had no savings to lose... At least you have 51% of something left. I have nothing.
I'm still amazed that people are arguing for MORE Republican principles. Obama's trying to pass a stimulus bill and what is the Republican response......more tax cuts for the rich and increased deregulation.
They passed a 700 billion dollar handout for the financial industry in a week, but cry socialism when Democrats want to give the same amount to the people. It has never been clearer to me that Republicans stand for the rich and everyone else can go f#ck off.
When is enough enough?
Republican heads are firmly planted in their asses. Heads may need to be cut off to save the %^&holes.
Heads need to roll. We have a criminal justice system in this country, will it step in and prosecute these Bush men who have perpetuated financial treason against our great country?
Awakened at Gilead, that sucks bro! What kind of work do you do? Have you gone back to college?
This concept where CEOs et al take vast amounts of money out of the system started with Ronald Ray-gun, erm, I mean Reagan. Ronald McDonald would probably have done less damage.
What has happened in the last few years is that banks sold off their mortgage backed assets (i.e. mortgage debt) which normally gave them money over a 20-35 year term so that that they got the money up front. They all then took massive bonuses in a feeding frenzy on the 'profits' they had generated and this was unchecked by the financial authorities and now the money is in short supply.
They have effectively stolen the money and growth that should have been coming in over the next 20+ years.
It all crashed when the bafoons decided that the debts they were selling were actually a good investment and could generate them even more money so bought into their own scam.
I would say enough is enough right now Jeeprube. All I've heard for years is that there is no money to provide healthcare for everyone in the US yet greedy bankers get in trouble and all of a sudden wheelbarrels full of money are available to help them out with no questions asked. And wouldn't it be nice to have all the money wasted in Iraq right now. They always have enough money to fight an enless war. I hope at least this latest failure Wall Street has put to rest the idea of privatizing social security. We'd be in even worse shape right now it that had happed.
Yeah, that Ronald Reagan guy...jeez, he really sucked.