Why does it seem that SO many have wooden homes?-- Wooden homes as opposed to brick or stone facade? Mine is wood construction and has a basement. Do you have basements by you?
** 401k - is this a pension plan of sorts & are you obligated to take one?-- If you are forutunate enough to be employed by someone and they offer it it is a retirement plan of sorts. If you are self employed you are screwed, most self employed cannot afford the other plans or business gets slow and you must take what you would have put in a ROTH or other and use to pay business bills & taxes. Personally I think many forget that their employer pays into their social security as well as their 401K and I personally believe it should be considered income.
** Do most of you drive an automatic? -- I do, some still like stick. I used to drive my hubby's old muscle car that was stick. My girlfriend has a stick but doesn't really like in the severe snow storms & ice. Most people I know drive automatics.
** Are really proud to be an American?-- Yes.
** Do you bother to find out about the world around you? yes there is a world outside of you guys.-- I agree that most Americans have a myopic view of the world, much like the wt.
** What is this American Dream & do you believe in it?-- I believe the American Dream is the freedom to pursue happiness and success, whatever that may mean to you. (pursuing does not guarantee attaining it, you must make it happen) I see many Americans who complain and only want someone else to fix their problems, health, finance, have a sense of entitlement, etc.... but see many who come here from other countries and must learn the language, how things work in general and go on to become wealthy or at least quite comfortable and become productive citizens who also give back to the community in which they live. I notice those who come here and are a success seem to have the tightest family units and will sacrifice to help a family member and then expect the favor to be returned later. (family chips in to pay for school or a business then that one helps the others and so on)
** Aren't you really just decended from the british anyways?-- not me, no Brit in my family anywhere. My government British? no
** Is fast food your way of life?-- No, I still make most things from scratch. I pack my kids lunch for school because the hot luch program looks so gross to me and is cheaper & healthier to pack a lunch anyway. In my neck of the woods there is a tradition of Friday Night Fish Fry's though. Haven't been to one in awhile though. Sunday's used to be hot ham & rolls (sandwiches) for many around here too, I think all grocery stores still offer hot ham on Sunday's. Football games are a time for friends & family to gather as well. Holidays are big of course, lots of food & drink.