Beauty (not in the eye of the beholder)

by IMHO 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kinjiro

    IMHO... what does race have to do with beauty? You miss the point entirely... if both brothers were from Burma, they would find women with the elongated necks beautiful... while you and I would not ...

    If you were referring to an individual's taste or preferences that is another topic entirely...

    The same thing happens with food... think about it.

  • Kinjiro

    Cheers to Finally Free --- Bottoms Up!

  • Elsewhere

    It comes down to symmetry and congruence.

    Symmetry between the two sides of the body

    Congruence meaning the parts that are there complement each other

    Beyond that the shapes themselves result from a combination of evolutionary necessity along with arbitrary instinctive selection in choosing mates.

    Bottom Line: We think something is beautiful because we are programmed to by evolution.

    No matter how you try to look at it, beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.

    A male donkey thinks a female donkey is a fine piece of ass* while finding a playboy bunny to be repulsive.

    * Pun intended

  • Snoozy

    While reading this thread I am reminded of the movie"Shallow Hal"...


  • IMHO

    Kinjiro you are the one that bought up racial differences initially, and you are right it doesn't have much to do with it - I used it as an example as it seems it was something you could relate too.

    Taste and preferance is involved to a great degree. Taste and preferance determine what you find beautiful. And yes the same applies to food, but let's not complicate matters as the issue still stands.

    Leaving the Burmese population out of it why do two guys from the same country find one of two women but not the same one beautiful.

    Yes our taste and preferance determine what we find beautiful, but getting back to the original question - WHY?

    If woman 'A' is beautiful to me; WHY do you think she's ugly?

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