Thankful Not To Be An Elder Anymore ( KM)

by metatron 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    How much further can this dumbing down go? How much further can they

    keep 6 million people mesmerized while the personal life and families of

    Witnesses decay?

    They never could dumb down the whole bunch and keep
    the whole bunch mesmerized.
    They have a revolving door. The growth was amazing for
    decades, but the mob heading out was pretty big, too.
    Now, with internet and news everywhere, the mob increases
    and the growth is down.

    The crowd that remains will not stand for much more
    dumbing down. Sure, a few million will remain no matter what,
    but they will die off. As information becomes more readily
    available in third world countries and rural remote places, expect
    no more growth and the steady shrinkage.

  • oompa

    AMEN metatron...hey that even sounds like a robot name.....back in the cool dad/elder took engaging in conversation at the door to a high level....we used to encourage predetermined line to spout....but try to just read a scripure and actually engage them in conversation aobut it! and dad would just go to the door with nothing but the kj bible...and a few tracts in our inside coat pocket....FREE of the that was decent witnessing...and no selling anything...............thanks dad....except for not waking up............oompa

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    Witnesses have become like an old computer with a dead CMOS battery. They need their settings repeated over and over and over and over, apparently.
    Good post and this is it exactly.
  • stillajwexelder

    I have not been an elder for over 8 years now and I am also very glad I no longer am in that position

  • truthsetsonefree
    Giving these parts could be handled by a seventh grader.

    Funny you mentioned this. As a TMS overseer and as an elder I would always fill in at the last minute for parts. People would be amazed. But I always felt like how hard can it be to talk about stuff I've been hearing and repeating for almost forty years?! I could do it in my sleep for goodness sakes.


  • metatron

    We had a recent C.O.'s visit - and what did he talk about? Demonizing the internet, doing whatever the 'faithful slave' says even if it seems wrong (I'm not kidding) and how the organization needs brothers to reach out and become elders ( because they aren't)

    He also encouraged young people to go to Bethel while neglecting to mention that they are laying off Bethelites en masse!

    The Governing Body can't escape the "Soviet" problem: more people, less money, more crappy leadership and more and more incompetent workers. Growing dependent populations that soak up resources. Mr. Jaracz, tear down this wall!


  • kurtbethel

    Consider it a "Harvest Sifting". The wheat is getting gleaned and the stubble remains behind. Not exactly what the Old Man had in mind for the "greatest corporation in the world".

  • AudeSapere
    They wallow in the convenience of trusting someone else to think for them.

    Boy, ain't that the truth?!!


  • sacolton

    How much longer before the FDS enforces internet-use as a disfellowshipping act?

    Elder: I heard you still have internet access at home. You do know it is a disfellowshipping offense?

    Witness: Yes. I need it for e-mail.

    Elder: You know that the internet is a tool by Satan and we should not be snared by the luxuries that the internet offers.

    Witness: ... yeah, but e-mail ...

    Elder: Regardless, Jehovah God wants us to be unblemished and no part of this world. If you decide to keep your internet, you are serving two masters. See what I'm saying? The end is so close now. Trust in Jehovah. If you think about it, the apostles didn't use e-mail. Let me read some scriptures ...

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