Please contribute to this "book". Help someone understand what Jehovah's Witnesses are all about.
Jehovah's Witnesses For Dummies
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
They do not have a mediator, Jesus only mediates for 144k.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the preaching work they do represents a touchstone as to who will be destroyed or spared.
In fact, they take this so seriously that they send their very best 5 year olds to the doors to offer colorful tracts and brochures. Based on how one responds to these poor kids, Jehovah will destroy them, or spare them.
Thank goodness for kids!
"Jehovah`s Witness`s for Dummies".............The title of your thread is Redundant.............LOL!!..
That's a really great idea for a book! Someone should actually write it!
Here's my contribution:
Jehovah's Witnesses check their critical thinking at the door of the Kingdom Hall. Eventually they lose the ability to think for themselves. They are not allowed to question the "FDS," and must submit to every whim and teaching they come up with. JWs must put the organization absolutely first in their lives, ahead of family, education, career and even their own life.
Never heard that word before, Outlaw.... LOL....
The title of your thread is Rundant
Rundunt...that'd be a good name for your dog.
Jehovah's Witnesses for Dummies:
Chapter one: Do not attempt to rationalize the information that you receive from the Watchtower Society. Just accept it as "truth" and do what your told. Everything will work out fine. And, oh will never die but live forever on a paradise earth. Isn't that worth giving up your freedom of choice and right to question?
I'm lovin' this. So far nuthin' rundunt.
This board is filled with "Spell Checking Wierdo`s!"..LOL!!.........Now we know why Kingdom Hall`s that are filled with Window Washers,don`t need windows..They`re looking for Spelling Errors and don`t notice there`s no Frigg`n window`s!! ..........
everything is figurative in the Bible. Numbers, especially, unless you see the number 144,000. This is the only literal number in the Bible.