What do you think of the Boss playing this year? Who would you like to see in the future? What acts did you like or dislike in the past? McCartney, Stones, Tom Petty, Prince, Janet's wardrobe malfunction, etc...
Super Bowl Halftime Shows
by JimmyPage 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
janets tits always brings down the house................. hey what can they do to top that............ show Rihanna's next time.
honestly............ hey JP i know you are gonna cry foul.................. but i didnt think paul mcartney was gonna pull of that very next half time show.............. but he brought the damn house down.
btw got the beer in the fridge for sunday bro.
Nice. All I need now is a plane ticket LOL.
I would love to see congress march out on stage and doused with liquified pig manure to symbolize the job they have been doing.
As a die-hard Bruce fan, having The BOSS as half time show was a treat. I sat in on the Super Bowl party for the free beer and Bruce but what I got was an action filled game to boot. Not a big football fan but that was a great game. Seemed 'Born to Run' was a fitting theme song.
Tom Petty did a good job last year and Bro Prince rocked the house a couple years back. Areo Smith was good as I remember. I'd like to see some Jazz, maybe Herbie Hancock in the future. Or a Big Production Vegas type show. How to cut it to 12 min, hum, glad I'm not a producer.
I enjoyed the half time show, but then, I'm a Springsteen fan.
I forgot that Tom Petty even did last years show. I remember the Prince show...eh, it was okay. McCartney was better'n I expected. U2 was good. The show with the "malfunction" wasn't much of a show except for the nip slip and even that wasn't worth all the fuss.
I thought that the show was good this year, it's about time that they recognized that the super bowl isn't a show for kids and I don't want to see Britney dancing around like the moron she is. I want to see music that appeals to me as a super bowl fan. Most ball fans are mid 30's and older guys who grew up with great music from the 60s-early 90's if your later than that I don't want to hear you or see you... Wait a few more years!
In the future I really (ugh I can't believe I'm saying this) think we need to see more rap and or hip hop. I mean rolling stones and bruce are great but they are about the whitest people on the planet and the super bowl is becoming a big event in the black community. I think the NFL needs to recognize that at some point.
whens snoop gonna do it.......................... lol, btw he was in tampa that weekend doing a show put on by budwiser lol
I was a little uncomfortable with Bruce out there this year. As I watched him, it just looked so hard for him. I was afraid he was going to have a cardiac arrest. Really, didn't anyone else feel this way? Always been a fan, but he is definately in his middle age.
Not a big Bruce fan, but I thought it was pretty damn good. I'm so tired of musician who get up there and act. I just want to see someone who loves the music aspect, and gives it their all. I think Bruce did that.